Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 58 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
303 0 0 0 $i < @{$$al{$source . 'Al'}[$j];} and $continue
564 0 0 0 $i < $numColTokens and $i < $offset + $maxCols
588 0 0 0 $mark_ji eq '\\boldmath $-$' and $mark_ij eq '\\ver{\\boldmath $-$}'
608 0 0 0 $i < $numColTokens and $i < $offset + $maxCols
634 0 0 0 defined $$sal{$source . 'Al'} and @{$$sal{$source . 'Al'};} > 0
712 0 0 0 @{$$al{'targetAl'};} > 0 and @{$$al{'sourceAl'};} > 0
740 0 0 0 @{$$al{'targetAl'};} > 0 and @{$$al{'sourceAl'};} > 0
800 0 0 0 $numSource >= $numTarget and $criterion eq 'most'
0 0 0 $numSource < $numTarget and $criterion ne 'most'
918 0 0 0 $j >= $firstPos and $j <= $lastPos
1181 0 0 0 $al->isIn('sourceAl', $j, $i) && $al->isIn('targetAl', $i, $j)
1194 0 0 0 @{$$al{$reverseSide . 'Al'}[$i];} == 1 and $$al{$reverseSide . 'Al'}[$i][0] == $j
1435 0 0 0 exists $scomp{$j} and exists $tcomp{$i}
1511 0 0 0 $$al{$source . 'Links'}{$j . ' ' . $i}[0] ne 'p' and $$al{$source . 'Links'}{$j . ' ' . $i}[0] ne 'P'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
470 0 0 ">$blinkerFile" || die("Blinker file $blinkerFile opening problem:$!")
478 0 0 ">$blinkerFile" || die("Blinker file $blinkerFile opening problem:$!")

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
335 0 0 0 not defined $reverseAl[$i] or @{$reverseAl[$i];} == 0
651 0 0 0 @$sContiguousSeqs > 1 or @$tContiguousSeqs > 1
800 0 0 0 $numSource >= $numTarget and $criterion eq 'most' or $numSource < $numTarget and $criterion ne 'most'
1433 0 0 0 exists $scomp{$j} or exists $tcomp{$i}