Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 55 78 70.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
78 2 2 2 1 == scalar @_ and not ref $_[0]
279 11 1342 130 defined $from and $from eq $to
289 0 856 0 defined $from and $from eq $nn
297 11 150 1322 defined $from and $from ne ''
415 0 2725 7957 scalar @a and $a[-1] eq ''
490 118 0 14 $a =~ /\)/ and $in_parens
491 66 32 34 $a =~ /\w/ and not $in_parens
497 78 18 36 $a =~ /^(;|\||&|\bor\b|\band\b|<<|)$/i and not $in_parens
513 0 0 4 $$arr[0] eq '(' and $$arr[-1] eq ')'
531 82 4 10 $a eq ')' and not $in_parens
86 10 0 $a eq ')' and not $in_parens and not @$arr
564 8 2 4 scalar @r == 1 and ref $r[0] eq 'ARRAY'
585 0 28 8 defined $a[$i] and $a[$i] eq $tok
588 4 4 2 defined $a[$e + 2] and $a[$e + 2] eq $tok
699 26 0 0 $name eq 'REJECT' and not $origname =~ /REJECT/
720 12 8 26 $a =~ /\w\w/ and not $a =~ /^(and|or)$/i
797 1 0 2 defined $line and $line =~ s/^#\s*//
875 0 0 0 $line =~ /^#/ and not $linecount++

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
478 0 10 $$s{'debug'} ||= 0
673 14 12 $prev_op || ''
768 2 1 $template ||= 'as'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
77 0 6 0 ref $self || $self
528 52 40 40 $in_word or $in_parens
92 4 36 $in_word or $in_parens or $a eq ')'
842 149 495 625 $colum_types[$i] eq 'l' or $colum_types[$i] eq 'a'
876 0 0 0 $line =~ /^"([^"]*)",\s*"([^"]*)"/ or $line =~ /^([^,"]*),\s*([^,]*)/
0 0 0 $line =~ /^("",\s*)?"([^"]*)"\s*$/ or $line =~ /^(,)?([^,"]*)\s*$/