Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 3 48 6.2

line true false branch
277 0 0 if ($c->path ne '/' and $c->path =~ m[/$])
287 0 0 if ($c->method eq 'OPTIONS') { }
355 1 0 $self->can('setup') ? :
363 0 1 if $$settings{'context_class'}
370 0 1 if exists $self->config->{'locales'}
393 0 0 if blessed $v eq $_
401 0 0 if scalar @views
404 0 0 unless (scalar @views)
417 0 0 if ($routes->EXISTS($prefix)) { }
0 0 elsif ($_->routes and $_->routes->Length) { }
420 0 0 if ($routes->FETCH($prefix)->EXISTS($r)) { }
448 0 0 unless blessed $exp and $exp->isa('Leyland::Exception')
455 0 0 if ($exp->code =~ /^3\d\d$/ and $exp->has_location)
463 0 0 if $self->cwe eq 'development' and $c->accepts('text/html') and not $exp->has_mimes && $exp->has_mime('text/html')
468 0 0 if ($exp->has_mimes)
470 0 0 if $exp->has_mime($$_{'mime'})
482 0 0 if $$_{'mime'} eq 'text/html' or $$_{'mime'} eq 'application/xhtml+xml' or $$_{'mime'} eq 'application/json' or $$_{'mime'} eq 'application/atom+xml' or $$_{'mime'} eq 'application/xml'
517 0 0 unless $self->views
540 0 0 if ($self->has_routes and $self->routes->Length) { }
544 0 0 unless ($b eq '_root_') <=> ($a eq '_root_')
548 0 0 if ($pre)
552 0 0 ref $$reg{$m}{'rules'}{'returns'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
553 0 0 ref $$reg{$m}{'rules'}{'accepts'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
554 0 0 ref $$reg{$m}{'rules'}{'is'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :