Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 76 21.0

line true false branch
25 0 1 if (exists $ENV{'MOD_PERL'}) { }
26 0 0 if ($ENV{'MOD_PERL_API_VERSION'} and $ENV{'MOD_PERL_API_VERSION'} >= 2) { }
42 0 1 if ($pkg eq 'Lemonldap::NG::Common::CGI' and @_ and $_[0] eq 'fastcgi')
44 0 0 if $@
57 0 3 unless my $self = $_SUPER->new(@_)
77 0 0 if $v
78 0 0 unless (defined $p)
90 0 0 $$self{'_prm'}{$p} ? :
101 2 0 if ($level eq 'debug') { }
102 2 0 ref $self ? :
108 0 2 if ($self->r and 0) { }
109 0 0 unless $level
118 0 0 if $call
123 1 1 unless defined $$self{'hideLogLevels'}
126 0 2 if $call and not 'debug' =~ /$re/
127 0 2 unless $level =~ /$re/
136 0 0 if ($self->r and 0)
165 0 0 if ($ENV{'HTTP_SOAPACTION'})
170 0 0 ref $soapFunctions ? :
203 0 1 if (my $ref = $ENV{'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'})
218 0 0 if ($ref =~ /^\w+,\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/)
220 0 0 if $m > $month{lc $cm}
222 0 0 if ($ref == $date)
283 0 0 if $$self{'_syslog'}
289 0 0 if $@
299 0 0 if ($$self{'syslog'}) { }
344 1 1 if ($$self{$sub}) { }
371 4 8 if grep /$lang/, @res
374 8 0 if length $lang == 2
391 0 0 unless $ENV{'FCGI_ROLE'}
397 0 0 if ($$text_ref =~ /$_=\"(.*?)\"/)
422 0 0 if ($_SUPER eq 'CGI::Fast') { }
436 0 0 unless ($$self{'ipAddr'})
438 0 0 if (my $xheader = $ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'})
439 0 0 if ($$self{'trustedProxies'} =~ /\*/ or $$self{'useXForwardedForIP'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'trustedProxies'}) { }
442 0 0 if $xheader =~ /^([^,]*)/
459 0 0 unless $localIP->find($1)