Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 61 70 87.1

line true false branch
99 6 129 unless @{$block->bytecode;}
100 95 34 if @{$block->predecessors;}
108 32 131 if $self->_converted->{$block}{'converted'}
112 2 129 if (($self->_converted->{$block}{'depth'} || 0) > 0 and grep((!$self->_converted->{$_}{'converted'}), @{$block->predecessors;}))
129 71 58 unless $self->_converting->{'in_stack'}
133 40 23 unless $$value{'opcode_n'} == 120
135 4 19 unless (grep(($$value{'parameters'}[$_] ne $t), grep(($_ & 1), 1 .. $#{$$value{'parameters'};})))
143 129 457 if $$bc{'label'}
173 110 8 if $$op{'label'} or $$op{'opcode_n'} != 153 or $$op{'parameters'}[1]{'opcode_n'} != 120
188 17 0 if $$op_from{'parameters'} and @{$$op_from{'parameters'};} and $$op_from{'parameters'}[-1] eq $block
193 0 17 if $op_from_off < 0
213 2 139 unless $count
218 163 33 if $$value{'opcode_n'} != 120 and not $force_get
235 32 95 if (defined $$converted{'depth'})
236 0 32 if $$converted{'depth'} != scalar @$stack
244 80 47 if (@$stack)
245 61 19 unless @$out_names
251 58 22 unless ($$converted{'in_stack'})
252 20 38 if (@{$to->predecessors;} > 1) { }
261 42 38 if (@{$to->predecessors;} > 1)
264 0 48 unless $$converted{'in_stack'}[$i]{'opcode_n'} == 120
285 98 64 unless @$stack
299 18 30 if ($$op{'opcode_n'} == 66) { }
316 73 171 $$attrs{'in_args'} ? :
319 110 134 if ($$op{'attributes'}) { }
43 91 elsif ($$op{'parameters'}) { }
321 16 94 if @in
323 0 43 if @in
329 49 195 if (not $$attrs{'out_args'}) { }
195 0 elsif ($$attrs{'out_args'} == 1) { }
352 0 52 unless @{$self->_stack;} >= 1
354 36 16 if $$top{'opcode_n'} != 120 and $$top{'opcode_n'} != 66
363 0 18 unless @{$self->_stack;} >= 1
374 0 24 unless @{$self->_stack;} >= 2
413 38 388 if ($count < 0 and $self->_converting->{'created'} < 0)