Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 55 89 61.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
198 14 0 1 $ast->second->type ne 'symbol' and $ast->second->type ne 'keyword'
14 1 0 $ast->second->type ne 'symbol' and $ast->second->type ne 'keyword' and $ast->second->type ne 'string'
229 1 5 6 defined $ast->third and $ast->third->type eq 'meta'
470 53 3 0 $arg->value eq '&' and $argssize != $i + 2 || $$argsvalue[$i + 1]->value eq '&'
492 0 0 1 $f->type eq 'symbol' && $self->has_function($f->value)
1 1 0 $f->type ne 'function' and not $f->type eq 'symbol' && $self->has_function($f->value)
529 45 17 0 $arg->value eq '&' and $args->size != $i + 2 || $args->value->[$i + 1]->value eq '&'
905 3 1 2 $v1type ne 'string' and $v1type ne 'list'
4 1 1 $v1type ne 'string' and $v1type ne 'list' and $v1type ne 'vector'
2 1 0 $v1type ne 'string' and $v1type ne 'list' and $v1type ne 'vector' and $v1type ne 'map'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
193 8 7 $opts->{'namespace'} || 'Language::LispPerl::CoreBindings'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
209 0 0 3 $m->type eq 'keyword' or $m->type eq 'symbol'
351 0 0 36 $size > 4 or $size < 3
470 0 0 3 $argssize != $i + 2 || $$argsvalue[$i + 1]->value eq '&'
529 0 0 17 $args->size != $i + 2 || $args->value->[$i + 1]->value eq '&'
570 1 0 2 $m->type eq 'symbol' or $m->type eq 'keyword'
640 0 0 7 $size > 4 or $size < 3
734 0 0 29 $v1->type ne 'number' or $v2->type ne 'number'
762 0 0 4 $v1->type ne 'string' or $v2->type ne 'string'
786 1 0 3 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'keyword'
1 0 3 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'keyword' or $type eq 'quotation'
0 2 1 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'keyword' or $type eq 'quotation' or $type eq 'bool'
2 0 1 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'keyword' or $type eq 'quotation' or $type eq 'bool' or $type eq 'nil'
854 1 1 1 $v->type eq 'list' or $v->type eq 'vector'
2 1 0 $v->type eq 'list' or $v->type eq 'vector' or $v->type eq 'xml'
886 1 1 0 $v->type eq 'vector' or $v->type eq 'xml'
905 0 0 6 $v1type ne $v2type or $v1type ne 'string' and $v1type ne 'list' and $v1type ne 'vector' and $v1type ne 'map'
922 1 1 1 $v1type eq 'list' or $v1type eq 'vector'
967 1 0 1 $v->type eq 'symbol' or $v->type eq 'keyword'
1003 0 0 2 $size < 2 or $size > 3