Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 65 117 55.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
387 209 436 12 $type eq 'symbol' and $value eq 'true'
209 429 7 $type eq 'symbol' and $value eq 'false'
209 428 1 $type eq 'symbol' and $value eq 'nil'
169 76 352 $type eq 'symbol' and $self->{'syntaxquotation_scope'} == 0
245 0 352 $type eq 'symbol' and $self->{'syntaxquotation_scope'} == 0 and $self->{'quotation_scope'} == 0
149 0 96 $type eq 'dequotation' and $self->{'syntaxquotation_scope'} > 0
73 76 0 $type eq 'symbol' and $self->{'quotation_scope'} > 0
419 352 96 0 $type eq 'dequotation' and $self->{'syntaxquotation_scope'} == 0
421 352 63 33 $type eq 'dequotation' and $value =~ /^@(\S+)$/
437 1 68 0 $type eq 'list' and $ast->size == 0
441 107 63 33 $i->type eq 'dequotation' and $i->value =~ /^@/
464 169 23 5 $class eq 'Seq' and $type eq 'vector'
169 23 0 $class eq 'Seq' and $type eq 'map' || $type eq 'meta'
169 0 10 $class eq 'Seq' and $type eq 'xml'
480 0 0 0 $mtype ne 'map' and $mtype ne 'meta'
510 0 0 0 $vtype ne 'vector' and $vtype ne 'list'
0 0 0 $vtype ne 'vector' and $vtype ne 'list' and $vtype ne 'xml'
585 0 0 0 defined $ast->second and $ast->second->type eq 'meta'
660 0 0 0 $sn->type ne 'string' and $sn->type ne 'keyword'
692 14 0 0 $k->type ne 'keyword' and $k->type ne 'string'
714 10 0 0 $firsttype ne 'symbol' and $firsttype ne 'string'
10 0 0 $firsttype ne 'symbol' and $firsttype ne 'string' and $firsttype ne 'keyword'
726 5 6 2 $it ne 'string' and $it ne 'xml'
11 2 0 $it ne 'string' and $it ne 'xml' and $it ne 'meta'
8 0 0 $it ne 'string' and $it ne 'xml' and $it ne 'meta' and $it ne 'list'
791 6 0 0 $rt->type ne 'string' and $rt->type ne 'keyword'
802 0 0 0 $arg->type ne 'string' and $arg->type ne 'keyword'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
93 56 0 0 shift() // confess('Cannot push undef context')
387 40 0 597 $type eq 'syntaxquotation' or $type eq 'quotation'
352 0 245 $type eq 'symbol' and $self->{'syntaxquotation_scope'} == 0 and $self->{'quotation_scope'} == 0 or $type eq 'dequotation' and $self->{'syntaxquotation_scope'} > 0
464 3 10 10 $type eq 'map' || $type eq 'meta'
533 15 4 0 $f->context // $self->copy_current_scope
646 0 0 0 $at eq 'string' or $at eq 'keyword'
892 8 0 8 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'number'
8 0 8 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'number' or $type eq 'quotation'
0 0 8 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'number' or $type eq 'quotation' or $type eq 'keyword'
0 5 3 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'number' or $type eq 'quotation' or $type eq 'keyword' or $type eq 'perlobject'
0 0 2 $type eq 'list' or $type eq 'vector'
963 0 1 2 not defined ref $v or ref $v eq ''