Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 91 140 65.0

line true false branch
11 0 6 unless eval "use POSIX \"round\"; 1;"
58 4 2 if ($_->is_constant) { }
64 0 2 if @unknown == @{$node->parameters;} and @unknown > 1
65 0 2 if $const != 0
66 2 0 unless @unknown > 1
76 0 2 unless @_ == 1
82 0 2 unless @arg_code == 1
92 5 3 if ($_->is_constant) { }
98 0 4 if @unknown == @{$node->parameters;} and @unknown > 1
99 2 2 if $const == 0
100 2 0 if $const != 1
101 0 2 unless @unknown > 1
111 0 1 unless @_ == 2
112 0 1 unless $_[1]
131 2 0 if ($_->is_constant) { }
133 0 2 unless $_->evaluate($self)
139 1 0 unless @unknown
140 0 0 if @unknown == @{$node->parameters;}
159 2 0 if ($_->is_constant) { }
161 2 0 if $_->evaluate($self)
167 0 0 unless @unknown
168 0 0 if @unknown == @{$node->parameters;}
178 0 2 unless @_ == 1
179 1 1 $_[0] ? :
184 0 3 unless @arg_code == 1
194 2 25 if ($op eq "==" or $op eq "!=") { }
6 19 elsif ($op eq ">=" or $op eq "<") { }
19 0 elsif ($op eq "<=" or $op eq ">") { }
195 2 0 $numeric ? :
0 2 unless ($numeric ? $left == $right : $left eq $right) == ($op eq "==")
198 4 2 $numeric ? :
0 6 unless ($numeric ? $left >= $right : $left ge $right) == ($op eq ">=")
201 19 0 $numeric ? :
6 13 unless ($numeric ? $left <= $right : $left le $right) == ($op eq "<=")
213 0 2 unless $_[0] > 0 and $_[0] < @_
219 0 2 unless @{$node->parameters;} == 3
221 1 1 $bool ? :
226 0 4 unless @arg_code == 3
237 5 0 defined $err ? :
249 0 3 if (my(@todo) = @{$node->parameters;}) & 1
253 2 4 if $cond->evaluate($self)
259 0 3 if (my(@arg_code) = map($compiler->perlgen($_), @{$node->parameters;})) & 1
297 16 0 $digit < 10 ? :
300 2 2 $pad > 0 ? :
310 2 4 unless $n
311 0 4 unless $n > 0
320 0 8 unless $modulo + 0
336 2 16 unless defined $step
341 2 16 unless defined $step
352 0 2 unless @_ == 2
375 0 0 unless @_ == 4
394 0 0 unless $ofs and $ofs > 0
400 2 8 unless defined $places
401 6 4 unless defined $comma and !$comma || $comma eq "."
402 8 2 $places > 0 ? :
403 8 2 if ($comma)
404 2 6 if $comma eq "."
405 6 2 $places > 0 ? :
407 6 2 $places > 0 ? :
423 48 34 if ref $date and ref($date)->isa("DateTime")
431 2 0 ref $_ && $_->can("message") ? :
437 0 2 if ($unit eq "Y")
438 2 0 if ($unit eq "M")
439 0 0 if ($unit eq "D")
448 2 2 $end > $start ? :
452 2 4 unless @_ > 1
476 8 36 if not $standard or $standard == 1
477 8 28 if $standard == 2 or $standard == 11
478 4 24 if $standard == 3
479 24 0 if $standard >= 12 and $standard <= 17