Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 32 100.0

line true false branch
32 1 30 unless defined $dimensions
33 1 29 unless $dimensions > 0
34 1 28 unless exists $args{'Wrapping'}
72 516 41 if $v->bounds_check($min, $max)
79 39 152 if $v->get_component($d) < $oldmin
82 39 152 if $v->get_component($d) < $newmin
83 112 79 if $v->get_component($d) > $newmax
85 66 125 if $append < 0
90 13 145 if $v->get_component($i) < $min->get_component($i)
91 47 111 if $v->get_component($i) > $max->get_component($i)
95 42 149 if ($d > 0) { }
113 836 1047 if (not $wholerow and ($i >= $newmin + $doff and $i - ($newmin + $doff) <= $oldmax - $oldmin)) { }
135 18 64 if $n < $min
136 39 43 if $n > $max
156 1701 15 if ($v->bounds_check($$self{'min'}, $$self{'max'}))
163 1701 15 if defined $val