Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 932 0.0

line true false branch
80 0 0 if ($char ~~ \@spaceNewline) { }
93 0 0 if ($char eq $digit)
113 0 0 if ($char ~~ \@alpha) { }
123 0 0 if ($char eq '"') { }
136 0 0 if ($char ~~ \@specialCharachters) { }
148 0 0 if ($char ~~ \@operators) { }
185 0 0 if ($class->isSpaceNewline($currentChar))
189 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "#")
210 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "(" and $class->nextChar eq "?")
236 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "!" and $class->isAlpha($class->nextChar))
257 0 0 if ($currentChar eq ":" and $class->nextChar eq ":")
266 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "=" and $class->nextChar eq "=")
275 0 0 if ($class->isSpecialCharachter($currentChar))
282 0 0 if ($class->isOperator($currentChar))
283 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "&")
285 0 0 if ($nextChar eq "&")
296 0 0 if ($class->isOperator($currentChar))
297 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "|")
299 0 0 if ($nextChar eq "|")
310 0 0 if ($class->isOperator($currentChar))
311 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "!")
313 0 0 if ($nextChar eq "=")
324 0 0 if ($class->isOperator($currentChar))
325 0 0 if ($currentChar eq ">")
327 0 0 if ($nextChar eq "=")
338 0 0 if ($class->isOperator($currentChar))
339 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "<")
341 0 0 if ($nextChar eq "=")
352 0 0 if ($class->isOperator($currentChar))
353 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "*")
355 0 0 if ($nextChar eq "*")
366 0 0 if ($class->isOperator($currentChar))
372 0 0 if ($class->isQuote($currentChar))
390 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "e" and $class->nextChar eq "q")
399 0 0 if ($currentChar eq "n" and $class->nextChar eq "e")
408 0 0 if ($class->isAlpha($currentChar))
429 0 0 if ($class->isDigit($currentChar)) { }
604 0 0 if ($code) { }
619 0 0 if ($classString) { }
627 0 0 if ($rightLang) { }
642 0 0 if ($tokenClass) { }
650 0 0 if ($className) { }
659 0 0 if ($classBlock) { }
673 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
687 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '{') { }
696 0 0 if ($classGroups) { }
704 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '}') { }
720 0 0 if ($group) { }
728 0 0 if ($rightClassGroup) { }
742 0 0 if ($comment)
747 0 0 if ($parent)
752 0 0 if ($packages)
757 0 0 if ($function)
762 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
774 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '#') { }
783 0 0 if ($lineComment) { }
791 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '@') { }
807 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Comment') { }
823 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'parent') { }
832 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '(') { }
841 0 0 if ($classNames) { }
849 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ')') { }
858 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ';') { }
874 0 0 if ($className) { }
882 0 0 if ($comma) { }
890 0 0 if ($classNames) { }
905 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '(') { }
914 0 0 if ($packageList) { }
922 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ')') { }
931 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ';') { }
947 0 0 if ($package) { }
955 0 0 if ($package) { }
963 0 0 if ($rightpackageList) { }
977 0 0 if ($packageWithConstructor)
982 0 0 if ($packageWithoutConstructor)
994 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Object') { }
1003 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '=') { }
1012 0 0 if ($packageName) { }
1020 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '.') { }
1029 0 0 if ($constructor) { }
1037 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '(') { }
1046 0 0 if ($objectParameters)
1051 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ')') { }
1066 0 0 if ($packageParams)
1071 0 0 if ($parameters)
1083 0 0 if ($keyValue) { }
1091 0 0 if ($comma) { }
1099 0 0 if ($rightPackageParams) { }
1114 0 0 if ($packageDir) { }
1122 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'ObjectColon') { }
1131 0 0 if ($rightpackageName) { }
1146 0 0 if ($packageName) { }
1154 0 0 if ($qw)
1166 0 0 if ($dot) { }
1174 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '(') { }
1183 0 0 if ($functionList) { }
1191 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ')') { }
1207 0 0 if ($functionName) { }
1215 0 0 if ($comma) { }
1223 0 0 if ($rightFunctionName) { }
1238 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
1254 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Object') { }
1270 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
1286 0 0 if ($tokenFunction) { }
1295 0 0 if ($functionName) { }
1303 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '(') { }
1312 0 0 if ($functionParamList) { }
1320 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ')') { }
1329 0 0 if ($codeBlock) { }
1344 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
1361 0 0 if ($functionParams)
1378 0 0 if ($arg) { }
1386 0 0 if ($arg) { }
1394 0 0 if ($rightFunctionParams) { }
1409 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
1425 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '{') { }
1434 0 0 if ($blocks) { }
1442 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '}') { }
1458 0 0 if ($block) { }
1466 0 0 if ($rightBlock) { }
1481 0 0 if ($ifElse)
1486 0 0 if ($ifWhile)
1491 0 0 if ($forEach)
1496 0 0 if ($for)
1501 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
1506 0 0 if ($comment)
1511 0 0 if ($statement)
1523 0 0 if ($tokenEmbedBlock) { }
1531 0 0 if ($embedCodeBlock) { }
1546 0 0 if ($embedBegin) { }
1554 0 0 if ($embeddedCode) { }
1562 0 0 if ($embedEnd) { }
1577 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
1585 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '?') { }
1601 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '?') { }
1610 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
1625 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'EmbedBlock') { }
1641 0 0 if ($tokenWhile) { }
1649 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
1657 0 0 if ($boolExpression) { }
1665 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
1673 0 0 if ($codeBlock) { }
1688 0 0 if ($tokenForEach) { }
1696 0 0 if ($var) { }
1704 0 0 if ($forEachVariableName) { }
1712 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
1720 0 0 if ($variableName) { }
1728 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
1736 0 0 if ($codeBlock) { }
1751 0 0 if ($variableName) { }
1766 0 0 if ($tokenFor) { }
1774 0 0 if ($var) { }
1782 0 0 if ($variableName) { }
1790 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
1798 0 0 if ($forRange) { }
1806 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
1814 0 0 if ($codeBlock) { }
1829 0 0 if ($lowerRange) { }
1837 0 0 if ($dot) { }
1845 0 0 if ($dot) { }
1853 0 0 if ($dot) { }
1861 0 0 if ($upperRange) { }
1875 0 0 if ($number)
1880 0 0 if ($variableName)
1885 0 0 if ($arrayElement)
1890 0 0 if ($hashElement)
1895 0 0 if ($classAccessor)
1900 0 0 if ($classFunctionReturn)
1905 0 0 if ($FunctionReturn)
1916 0 0 if ($number)
1921 0 0 if ($variableName)
1926 0 0 if ($arrayElement)
1931 0 0 if ($hashElement)
1936 0 0 if ($classAccessor)
1941 0 0 if ($classFunctionReturn)
1946 0 0 if ($FunctionReturn)
1958 0 0 if ($if) { }
1966 0 0 if ($elsIf)
1971 0 0 if ($else)
1983 0 0 if ($tokenIf) { }
1991 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
1999 0 0 if ($boolExpression) { }
2007 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
2015 0 0 if ($codeBlock) { }
2030 0 0 if ($booleanExpression) { }
2038 0 0 if ($booleanOperator) { }
2046 0 0 if ($rightBooleanExpression) { }
2061 0 0 if ($boolOperands) { }
2069 0 0 if ($boolOperatorExpression)
2081 0 0 if ($boolOperator) { }
2089 0 0 if ($boolOperands) { }
2103 0 0 if ($realNumber)
2108 0 0 if ($string)
2113 0 0 if ($scalarVariable)
2118 0 0 if ($arrayElement)
2123 0 0 if ($hashElement)
2128 0 0 if ($classAccessor)
2133 0 0 if ($classFunctionReturn)
2138 0 0 if ($functionReturn)
2143 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
2154 0 0 if ($greaterThan)
2159 0 0 if ($lessThan)
2164 0 0 if ($equals)
2169 0 0 if ($greaterThanEquals)
2174 0 0 if ($lessThanEquals)
2179 0 0 if ($stringEquals)
2184 0 0 if ($stringNotEquals)
2189 0 0 if ($notEquals)
2194 0 0 if ($logicalAnd)
2199 0 0 if ($logicalOr)
2204 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
2216 0 0 if ($elsIfChain) { }
2224 0 0 if ($rightElsIf) { }
2239 0 0 if ($tokenIf) { }
2247 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
2255 0 0 if ($boolExpression) { }
2263 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
2271 0 0 if ($codeBlock) { }
2286 0 0 if ($tokenElse) { }
2294 0 0 if ($codeBlock) { }
2308 0 0 if ($variableDeclaration)
2313 0 0 if ($functionCall)
2318 0 0 if ($classFunctionCall)
2323 0 0 if ($objectCall)
2328 0 0 if ($assignment)
2333 0 0 if ($return)
2338 0 0 if ($last)
2343 0 0 if ($next)
2355 0 0 if ($tokenClass) { }
2363 0 0 if ($dot) { }
2371 0 0 if ($functionName) { }
2384 0 0 if ($objectFunctionCall) { }
2392 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
2406 0 0 if ($arrayDeclaration)
2411 0 0 if ($hashDeclaration)
2416 0 0 if ($scalarDeclaration)
2428 0 0 if ($var) { }
2436 0 0 if ($variableName) { }
2444 0 0 if ($equal) { }
2452 0 0 if ($value) { }
2460 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
2475 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'var') { }
2491 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'symbol') { }
2507 0 0 if ($rhs) { }
2522 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Number') { }
2538 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'RealNumber') { }
2554 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'String') { }
2570 0 0 if ($quote) { }
2585 0 0 if ($quote) { }
2600 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'String') { }
2616 0 0 if ($var) { }
2624 0 0 if ($variableName) { }
2632 0 0 if ($equal) { }
2640 0 0 if ($arrayList) { }
2648 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
2663 0 0 if ($lBracket) { }
2671 0 0 if ($listElements) { }
2679 0 0 if ($rBracket) { }
2694 0 0 if ($listElement)
2699 0 0 if ($comma) { }
2707 0 0 if ($rightListElements)
2718 0 0 if ($realNumber)
2723 0 0 if ($string)
2728 0 0 if ($classFunctionReturn)
2733 0 0 if ($functionReturn)
2738 0 0 if ($arrayElement)
2743 0 0 if ($hashElement)
2748 0 0 if ($arrayList)
2753 0 0 if ($hashRef)
2758 0 0 if ($variableName)
2763 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
2775 0 0 if ($var) { }
2783 0 0 if ($variableName) { }
2791 0 0 if ($equal) { }
2799 0 0 if ($hashRef) { }
2807 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
2822 0 0 if ($lBrace) { }
2830 0 0 if ($keyValuePairs) { }
2838 0 0 if ($rBrace) { }
2853 0 0 if ($keyValue) { }
2861 0 0 if ($comma) { }
2869 0 0 if ($rightKeyValuePairs) { }
2884 0 0 if ($pairKey) { }
2892 0 0 if ($colon) { }
2900 0 0 if ($pairValue) { }
2914 0 0 if ($number)
2919 0 0 if ($string)
2924 0 0 if ($classFunctionReturn)
2929 0 0 if ($functionReturn)
2934 0 0 if ($variableName)
2939 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
2950 0 0 if ($realNumber)
2955 0 0 if ($string)
2960 0 0 if ($classFunctionReturn)
2965 0 0 if ($functionReturn)
2970 0 0 if ($variableName)
2975 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
2980 0 0 if ($arrayElement)
2985 0 0 if ($hashElement)
2990 0 0 if ($arrayList)
2995 0 0 if ($hashRef)
3008 0 0 if ($functionName) { }
3016 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
3024 0 0 if ($parameters)
3029 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
3037 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
3052 0 0 if ($param) { }
3060 0 0 if ($comma) { }
3068 0 0 if ($rightParameters) { }
3082 0 0 if ($realNumber)
3087 0 0 if ($string)
3092 0 0 if ($classFunctionReturn)
3097 0 0 if ($functionReturn)
3102 0 0 if ($variableName)
3107 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
3112 0 0 if ($arrayElement)
3117 0 0 if ($hashElement)
3122 0 0 if ($arrayList)
3127 0 0 if ($hashRef)
3138 0 0 if ($scalarAssignment)
3143 0 0 if ($arrayAssignment)
3148 0 0 if ($hashAssignment)
3153 0 0 if ($accessorAssignment)
3165 0 0 if ($scalarVariable) { }
3173 0 0 if ($equal) { }
3181 0 0 if ($rhs) { }
3189 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
3204 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
3219 0 0 if ($realNumber)
3224 0 0 if ($string)
3229 0 0 if ($classFunctionReturn)
3234 0 0 if ($functionReturn)
3239 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
3244 0 0 if ($arrayElement)
3249 0 0 if ($hashElement)
3254 0 0 if ($arrayList)
3259 0 0 if ($hashRef)
3264 0 0 if ($scalarVariable)
3269 0 0 if ($calc)
3274 0 0 if ($classAccessor)
3279 0 0 if ($stdin)
3284 0 0 if ($objectFunctionCall)
3296 0 0 if ($functionName) { }
3304 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
3312 0 0 if ($parameters)
3317 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
3332 0 0 if ($arrayName) { }
3341 0 0 if ($arrayAccess) { }
3357 0 0 if ($lBracket) { }
3365 0 0 if ($number) { }
3373 0 0 if ($rBracket) { }
3388 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
3404 0 0 if ($hashName) { }
3413 0 0 if ($hashAccess) { }
3429 0 0 if ($lBrace) { }
3437 0 0 if ($hashKey) { }
3445 0 0 if ($rBrace) { }
3460 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
3475 0 0 if ($hashKeyString)
3480 0 0 if ($hashKeyNumber)
3492 0 0 if ($lQuote) { }
3500 0 0 if ($hashKeyStringValue) { }
3508 0 0 if ($rQuote) { }
3523 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
3539 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'type'} eq 'Symbol') { }
3555 0 0 if ($lessThan) { }
3563 0 0 if ($tokenStdin) { }
3571 0 0 if ($greaterThan) { }
3586 0 0 if ($tokenClass) { }
3594 0 0 if ($dot) { }
3602 0 0 if ($hashKeyStringValue) { }
3610 0 0 if ($equal) { }
3618 0 0 if ($rhs) { }
3626 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
3641 0 0 if ($tokenClass) { }
3649 0 0 if ($dot) { }
3657 0 0 if ($hashKeyStringValue) { }
3672 0 0 if ($tokenClass) { }
3680 0 0 if ($dot) { }
3688 0 0 if ($functionName) { }
3696 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
3704 0 0 if ($parameters)
3709 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
3724 0 0 if ($arrayElement) { }
3732 0 0 if ($equal) { }
3740 0 0 if ($rhs) { }
3748 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
3763 0 0 if ($hashElement) { }
3771 0 0 if ($equal) { }
3779 0 0 if ($rhs) { }
3787 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
3802 0 0 if ($calcExpression) { }
3817 0 0 if ($calcOperands) { }
3825 0 0 if ($calcOperator) { }
3833 0 0 if ($rightCalcExpression) { }
3847 0 0 if ($realNumber)
3852 0 0 if ($classFunctionReturn)
3857 0 0 if ($functionReturn)
3862 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
3867 0 0 if ($arrayElement)
3872 0 0 if ($hashElement)
3877 0 0 if ($scalarVariable)
3882 0 0 if ($classAccessor)
3887 0 0 if ($objectFunctionCall)
3898 0 0 if ($plus)
3903 0 0 if ($minus)
3908 0 0 if ($multiply)
3913 0 0 if ($divide)
3918 0 0 if ($modulus)
3923 0 0 if ($exponent)
3928 0 0 if ($embedBlock)
3940 0 0 if ($tokenReturn) { }
3948 0 0 if ($rhs)
3953 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
3968 0 0 if ($tokenLast) { }
3976 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
3991 0 0 if ($tokenNext) { }
3999 0 0 if ($semiColon) { }
4014 0 0 if ($object) { }
4022 0 0 if ($dot) { }
4030 0 0 if ($functionName) { }
4038 0 0 if ($lParen) { }
4046 0 0 if ($dot)
4051 0 0 if ($rParen) { }
4066 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'return') { }
4082 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'next') { }
4098 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'last') { }
4114 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'else') { }
4130 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'elsif') { }
4146 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'if') { }
4162 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'for') { }
4178 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'foreach') { }
4194 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'while') { }
4210 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'function') { }
4226 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'parent') { }
4242 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'class') { }
4258 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'embed') { }
4274 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'STDIN') { }
4290 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '%') { }
4306 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '**') { }
4322 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '&&') { }
4338 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '||') { }
4354 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '!=') { }
4370 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'ne') { }
4386 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq 'eq') { }
4402 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '<=') { }
4418 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '>=') { }
4434 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '>') { }
4450 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '<') { }
4466 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '==') { }
4482 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '+') { }
4498 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '-') { }
4514 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '*') { }
4530 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '/') { }
4546 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '"') { }
4562 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ';') { }
4578 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ':') { }
4594 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '.') { }
4610 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '=') { }
4626 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ',') { }
4642 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '(') { }
4658 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ')') { }
4674 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '{') { }
4690 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '}') { }
4706 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq '[') { }
4722 0 0 if ($currentToken->{'value'} eq ']') { }