Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 72 0.0

line true false branch
140 0 0 if ($args{'-' . $_})
328 0 0 if ($args{'-' . $_})
344 0 0 unless ($file and -e $file)
347 0 0 unless (-e $file)
358 0 0 unless ($^O eq 'os2' or $^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'MacOS' or $^O eq 'darwin' or $^O =~ /^cygwin/)
366 0 0 if (@stat)
367 0 0 if ($stat[2] & 63)
371 0 0 if ($stat[4] != $<)
378 0 0 if ($fh = 'FileHandle'->new($file, 'r'))
382 0 0 if /\A\n\Z/
384 0 0 if ($macdef)
400 0 0 if ($tok[0] eq 'default')
409 0 0 unless @tok > 1
413 0 0 if ($tok eq 'machine') { }
0 0 elsif ($tok =~ /^(login|password|account)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($tok eq 'macdef') { }
418 0 0 unless exists $netrc{$host}
422 0 0 unless $mach
430 0 0 unless $mach
433 0 0 unless exists $mach->{'macdef'}
444 0 0 if (not $auth and length keys %netrc == 1)
448 0 0 unless $auth
449 0 0 unless $auth->{'password'}
450 0 0 unless $auth->{'login'}
469 0 0 if $ctx->{'debug'}
470 0 0 if $ctx->{'debug'}
482 0 0 if ($response->is_error)
499 0 0 if ($args{'-timeout'})
523 0 0 unless ($args{$_})
534 0 0 if $ctx->{'debug'}
539 0 0 unless ($ctx->{'isGuest'})
545 0 0 if ($response->is_error)
565 0 0 unless ($args{'-machine'})
573 0 0 if ($args{'-loginAsGuest'}) { }
589 0 0 if ($args{'-debug'})
595 0 0 unless ($ctx->{'userAgent'}->default_header($csrfHeader))