Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 24 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
215 0 0 0 $value >= 2 and $value <= 1024
306 0 0 0 $value >= 1 and $value <= 1024
329 0 0 0 $value >= 1 and $value <= 1024
349 0 0 0 $value >= 0 and $value <= "999999.999"
369 0 0 0 $value >= "0.001" and $value <= "999999.999"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
329 0 0 0 $value >= 1 and $value <= 1024 or $value =~ /\b(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def)\b/u
349 0 0 0 $value >= 0 and $value <= "999999.999" or $value =~ /\b(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def)\b/u
369 0 0 0 $value >= "0.001" and $value <= "999999.999" or $value =~ /\b(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def)\b/u