Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 4 72 5.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
226 0 0 0 $flag <= "1.1" and $flag >= "0.9"
310 0 0 0 defined $read_mode and $read_mode =~ /device|cache|request|fetch/u
315 0 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'level'}
0 0 0 $read_mode eq "request" and $self->{'request'} == 0
0 0 0 $read_mode eq "request" and $self->{'request'} == 1
0 0 0 $read_mode eq "fetch" and $self->{'request'} == 1
388 0 0 0 $self->get_output and $self->device_settings->{'gate_protect'}
459 19 0 0 defined $read_mode and $read_mode =~ /device|cache/u
463 19 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'info'}
486 0 0 0 defined $read_mode and $read_mode =~ /device|cache/u
490 0 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'range'}
549 0 0 0 $value != 0 and $value != 1
603 0 0 0 $self->get_output == 1 and $value == 0
0 0 0 $self->get_output == 0 and $value == 1
641 0 0 0 defined $read_mode and $read_mode =~ /device|cache/u
645 0 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'output'}
681 0 0 0 defined $read_mode and $read_mode =~ /device|cache/u
685 0 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'voltage_limit'}
714 0 0 0 defined $read_mode and $read_mode =~ /device|cache/u
718 0 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'current_limit'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
56 0 1 0 ref $proto || $proto
111 0 0 12 $value > $range or $value < -$range
546 0 0 0 $value eq "repeat" or $value eq "REPEAT"
547 0 0 0 $value eq "single" or $value eq "SINGLE"