Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 1166 0.0

line true false branch
379 0 0 if exists $self->{'config'}{'debug'}
430 0 0 if ref $params->[0] eq "ARRAY"
433 0 0 if ($#{$args;} == 0 and ref $args->[0] eq 'HASH') { }
438 0 0 if ($#{$args;} & Deparse error: Can't locate object method "object_2svref" via package "B::SPECIAL" at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.26.1/B/ line 5018.
441 0 0 if (ref $args->[$j] ne "")
446 0 0 if $p eq $args->[$j]
448 0 0 if (exists $$found{$args->[$j]})
457 0 0 if ($simple) { }
460 0 0 if (defined @{$params;}[$i])
474 0 0 if (exists $arguments->{$param}) { }
485 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
497 0 0 if ref $params->[0] eq "ARRAY"
504 0 0 unless (defined $result[$i])
509 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
528 0 0 if ($h)
531 0 0 unless defined $in and $in ne ""
535 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\'(.*)\'$/u) { }
544 0 0 unless $#_ > -1
546 0 0 unless $v
557 0 0 if ref $in eq "HASH"
562 0 0 if ($in =~ /^$k/iu)
573 0 0 if ref $in eq "HASH"
578 0 0 if $in eq ""
581 0 0 if ($in =~ /^$k/iu)
602 0 0 if ref $in eq "HASH"
604 0 0 unless defined $un
607 0 0 if (ref $un eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $un eq 'SCALAR') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $un eq '') { }
621 0 0 if ($str =~ /^MIN/iu)
624 0 0 if ($str =~ /^MAX/iu)
630 0 0 if ($str =~ /^([+\-]?(\d+\.\d*|\d+|\d*\.\d+))\s*/iu)
633 0 0 if $str eq ""
634 0 0 if ($str =~ /^e\s*([+\-]?\d+)\s*/iu)
638 0 0 if $str eq ""
648 0 0 if ($u =~ /^db/iu) { }
650 0 0 if ($str =~ /^dBex($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBpe($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBt($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBg($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBma($dbt)$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBk($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBm($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBu($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBn($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBp($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dBf($dbt)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^dB$dbt$/iu) { }
691 0 0 if ($str =~ /^ex($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^pe($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^t($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^g($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($u =~ /(HZ|OHM)/iu and $str =~ /^ma?($u)$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($u =~ /A/iu and $str =~ /^ma$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif (not $u =~ /(HZ|OHM)/iu and $str =~ /^ma($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^k($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^m($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^u($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^n($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^p($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^f($u)?$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^$u$/iu) { }
861 0 0 $ch == 1 ? :
862 0 0 if "CH$ch" eq $self->{'channel'}
866 0 0 $self->{'channel'} eq 'CH1' ? :
875 0 0 unless $DEBUG
880 0 0 if $code == 0
890 0 0 if ($err == 0)
895 0 0 if ($msg =~ /^([\w:]+\s+)?(\d+),(.*)$/iu) { }
926 0 0 if defined $bit
945 0 0 unless defined $unixtime
968 0 0 unless defined $time
970 0 0 if ($time =~ /\s*(INF|MAX)/iu) { }
975 0 0 if ($time =~ /(ERR|MIN|MAX)/u or $tmax <= 0)
983 0 0 unless defined $dt
985 0 0 if ($dtcheck =~ /(ERR|MIN|MAX)/u or $dtcheck <= 0)
992 0 0 if ($tmax == -1) { }
999 0 0 if $n < 1
1004 0 0 if $self->query("BUSY?") =~ /^(:BUSY )?\s*0/iu
1005 0 0 if $n-- == 0
1013 0 0 if $self->query("BUSY?") =~ /^(:BUSY )?\s*1/iu
1023 0 0 unless exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1025 0 0 if ($tail->{'read_mode'} ne "cache" or not defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'ID'})
1040 0 0 unless exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1042 0 0 if ($tail->{'read_mode'} ne "cache" or not defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'HEADER'})
1048 0 0 if ($r =~ /HEAD(er)?\s+([\w]+)/iu)
1051 0 0 if ($r =~ /(1|ON)/iu) { }
1066 0 0 if (not $in =~ /^s*\d+\s*$/u or $in < 1 or $in > 10 or int $in != $in)
1081 0 0 if (not $in =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/u or $in < 1 or $in > 10 or $in != int $in)
1096 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*([1-9]|on|y|t)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(0|off|n|f)/iu) { }
1109 0 0 if defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'HEADER'} and $self->{'device_cache'}{'HEADER'} == $h
1122 0 0 unless exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1124 0 0 if ($tail->{'read_mode'} ne "cache" or not defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'VERBOSE'})
1130 0 0 if ($r =~ /VERB(ose)?\s+([\w]+)/iu)
1133 0 0 if ($r =~ /(1|ON)/iu) { }
1149 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(1|on|y|t)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(0|off|n|f)/iu) { }
1162 0 0 if defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'VERBOSE'} and $self->{'device_cache'}{'VERBOSE'} == $v
1174 0 0 unless exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1176 0 0 if ($tail->{'read_mode'} ne "cache" or not defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'LOCKED'})
1182 0 0 if ($r =~ /LOC(k)?\s+([\w]+)/iu)
1185 0 0 if ($r =~ /(1|ON|ALL)/iu) { }
1203 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(1|y|t|on|all)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(0|n|f|off|non)/iu) { }
1216 0 0 if defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'LOCKED'} and $self->{'device_cache'}{'LOCKED'} eq $lock
1221 0 0 if ($lock eq 'ALL') { }
1222 0 0 if $self->{'config'}{'no_cache'}
1243 0 0 if exists $nfp{$k}
1355 0 0 if ($self->query("*STB?") & 32)
1361 0 0 unless $v
1373 0 0 if (exists $h->{'TRIG:MAI:EDGE:SOU'} and $h->{'TRIG:MAI:EDGE:SOU'} eq "LINE")
1376 0 0 if ($post_status & 32)
1378 0 0 if ($ec != 0 and $ec != 300 or $ec == 300 and not $em =~ /no\s*alternate/iu)
1380 0 0 if ($DEBUG)
1390 0 0 unless $v
1393 0 0 if exists $h->{'HEAD'}
1394 0 0 if exists $h->{'VERB'}
1395 0 0 if (exists $h->{'LOC'})
1396 0 0 $h->{'LOC'} eq 'ALL' ? :
1399 0 0 if ($self->{'device_cache'}{'LOCKED'})
1405 0 0 if exists $$h{"SEL:$wfm"}
1407 0 0 unless $wfm =~ /^CH/iu
1412 0 0 unless exists $h->{$ck}
1420 0 0 unless exists $h->{$k}
1421 0 0 if $Lab::Instrument::TDS2024B::_lcache->{$k} =~ /^\s*$/u
1438 0 0 if defined $v and $v ne ""
1464 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(SAM|NOR)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(PE|PK)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*AV/iu) { }
1505 0 0 if ($in == 4 or $in == 16 or $in == 64 or $in == 128) { }
1522 0 0 if $st =~ /(1|RUN)/iu
1533 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(on|run|Y|t|[1-9])/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(off|stop|n|f|0)/iu) { }
1563 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*RU/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(SE|SQ)/iu) { }
1595 0 0 if exists $tail->{'mode'}
1596 0 0 if exists $tail->{'stopafter'}
1597 0 0 if exists $tail->{'average'}
1598 0 0 if exists $tail->{'state'}
1614 0 0 if ($in =~ /^s*([1-9]|t|y|on)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^s*(0|f|n|off)/iu) { }
1648 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(H|X)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(V|Y)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*B/iu) { }
1680 0 0 if $sig eq "NON"
1714 0 0 if ($in =~ /^MUL/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(SING|1)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^FF/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(R|\+)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(FA|\-)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^FIE/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^OD/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^EV/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^LINEN/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^LI/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^DC/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^DE/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(NO|0|OF)/iu) { }
1761 0 0 if $c == 0
1789 0 0 if ($ch =~ /^\s*MAT/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*(CH[1-4])\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*([1-4])\s*$/u) { }
1803 0 0 if $ch eq $self->{'channel'}
1826 0 0 if ($ch =~ /^\s*(CH[1-4])\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*([1-4])\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*MA/iu) { }
1843 0 0 unless $v
1845 0 0 unless $hd
1848 0 0 unless $v
1849 0 0 unless $hd
1860 0 0 unless defined $ch
1861 0 0 unless defined $ivis
1863 0 0 if ($ch =~ /^\s*(ch[1-4])\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*math\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*(ref[a-d])\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*([1-4])\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*([a-d])\s*$/iu) { }
1885 0 0 if ($ivis =~ /\s*(T|Y|ON|[1-9])/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ivis =~ /\s*(F|N|OF|0)/iu) { }
1898 0 0 if ($self->{'device_cache'}{'LOCKED'})
1899 0 0 if ($ch eq $self->{'channel'}) { }
1905 0 0 if defined $cache->{'select'} and $vis == $cache->{'select'}
1910 0 0 if defined $cache
1919 0 0 unless exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1921 0 0 unless defined $ch
1923 0 0 if ($ch =~ /^\s*(ch[1-4])\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*math\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*(ref[a-d])\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*([1-4])\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch =~ /^\s*([a-d])\s*$/iu) { }
1945 0 0 if ($self->{'device_cache'}{'LOCKED'})
1947 0 0 if ($ch eq $self->{'channel'}) { }
1954 0 0 if defined $cache->{'select'}
1955 0 0 if defined $v and $tail->{'read_mode'} eq "cache"
1961 0 0 if defined $cache
1970 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
1982 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
1985 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*([1-9]|y|t|on)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(0|n|f|off)/iu) { }
2005 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2017 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2028 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2040 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2043 0 0 if ($fact =~ /^ERR/iu or $fact eq "MIN" or $fact eq "MAX")
2049 0 0 if ($fact != "0.2" and $fact != 1 and $fact != 2 and $fact != 5 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 50 and $fact != 100 and $fact != 1000)
2069 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2073 0 0 if $r eq "ON"
2074 0 0 if $r eq "OFF"
2084 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2086 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(on|[1-9]|t|y)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(off|0|f|n)/iu) { }
2107 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2121 0 0 if ($p =~ /ERR/u or $p eq "MIN" or $p eq "MAX")
2130 0 0 if $scale >= "0.5"
2132 0 0 if (abs $p * $scale > $maxv)
2138 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2148 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2160 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2163 0 0 if ($fact =~ /ERR/u or $fact eq "MIN" or $fact eq "MAX")
2170 0 0 if ($fact != 1 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 20 and $fact != 50 and $fact != 100 and $fact != 500 and $fact != 1000)
2189 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2203 0 0 if ($gain =~ /ERR/u or $gain eq "MIN" or $gain eq "MAX")
2209 0 0 if ($ch ne 'MATH') { }
2214 0 0 if ($y eq 'V') { }
2224 0 0 if ($gain > $vmax or $gain < $vmin)
2231 0 0 if ($gain <= 0)
2238 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2247 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2260 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2262 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*V/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*A/iu) { }
2283 0 0 if exists $tail->{'channel'}
2296 0 0 if $ch eq "MATH"
2307 0 0 if exits($tail->{'channel'})
2310 0 0 if exists $tail->{'coupling'}
2312 0 0 if exists $tail->{'invert'}
2314 0 0 if exists $tail->{'yunit'}
2316 0 0 if exists $tail->{'probe'}
2318 0 0 if exists $tail->{'currentprobe'}
2320 0 0 if exists $tail->{'scale'}
2322 0 0 if exists $tail->{'position'}
2324 0 0 if exists $tail->{'math_definition'}
2332 0 0 unless defined $opt
2333 0 0 if $opt =~ /\s*x/iu
2338 0 0 if ($opt eq 'XY') { }
2356 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(OFF|N|F|0)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(H|y)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(V|x)/iu) { }
2370 0 0 if ($dform eq "XY" and $c ne "OFF")
2427 0 0 if ($ich =~ /^([\d\.]+)/iu)
2431 0 0 unless ($ch =~ /^CH[1-4]$/iu or $ch =~ /^MATH$/iu or $ch =~ /^REF[a-d]$/iu)
2449 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*s/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*her/iu or $in =~ /^\s*Hz/iu) { }
2565 0 0 if ($t eq 'HBA') { }
2571 0 0 if $u eq "VOL"
2572 0 0 if $u eq "AMPS"
2573 0 0 if $u eq "DECIBELS"
2574 0 0 if $u eq "DECIBELS"
2575 0 0 if $u eq "VOLTSSQUARED"
2576 0 0 if $u eq "AMPSSQUARED"
2577 0 0 if $u eq "VOLTSAMPS"
2578 0 0 if $u eq "VOLTSAMPS"
2588 0 0 if $u eq "SECO"
2589 0 0 if $u eq "SECO"
2590 0 0 if $u eq "HER"
2591 0 0 if $u eq "HER"
2594 0 0 if ($pos =~ /ERR/u or $pos eq "MIN" or $pos eq "MAX")
2657 0 0 if exists $tail->{'type'}
2658 0 0 if exists $tail->{'yunits'}
2659 0 0 if exists $tail->{'source'}
2660 0 0 if exists $tail->{'x1'}
2661 0 0 if exists $tail->{'x2'}
2662 0 0 if exists $tail->{'y1'}
2663 0 0 if exists $tail->{'y2'}
2679 0 0 if ($cont < 1 or $cont > 100)
2704 0 0 if ($f eq "XY")
2714 0 0 if $r eq 0
2715 0 0 if $r eq 99
2726 0 0 if ($pers =~ /^\s*(INF|MAX)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($pers =~ /^\s*(OFF|MIN|F|N|0)/iu) { }
2734 0 0 if ($p =~ /ERR/iu or $p != 1 and $p != 2 and $p != 5)
2779 0 0 if exists $tail->{'contrast'}
2780 0 0 if exists $tail->{'format'}
2781 0 0 if exists $tail->{'persist'}
2782 0 0 if exists $tail->{'style'}
2827 0 0 unless defined $str
2829 0 0 unless $str =~ /,\s*$/u
2833 0 0 if $str =~ /^\s*,?\s*$/u
2834 0 0 if ($str =~ /^\"(([^\"]|\"\")+)\"\s*,/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^\'(([^\']|\'\')+)\'\s*,/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^([^,]*[^,\s])\s*,/iu) { }
2927 0 0 if ($in =~ /^BMP/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(BUB|BJ)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(DESKJ|DJ)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^DPU3/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^DPU411/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^DPU412/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(EPSC6|EPSON\s*(S(TYLUS)?)?\s*C6)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(EPSC8|EPSON\s*(S(TYLUS)?)?\s*C8)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^epso/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(eps|post)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^INTER/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^JP/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^(LASER|LJ)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^PCX/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^RLE/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^THIN/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^TIF/iu) { }
3003 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(P|N)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(L|R)/iu) { }
3031 0 0 if ($p ne "USB")
3055 0 0 if exists $tail->{'format'}
3056 0 0 if exists $tail->{'layout'}
3057 0 0 if exists $tail->{'port'}
3066 0 0 if (defined $force)
3067 0 0 if ($force =~ /^\s*(T|[1-9]|Y)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($force =~ /^s*(F|0|N)/iu) { }
3081 0 0 if (defined $file)
3083 0 0 if (-e $file and not $ovr && -w $file)
3101 0 0 if exists $tail->{'timeout'}
3111 0 0 unless defined $r
3112 0 0 if (defined $file and defined $r)
3113 0 0 unless open IMG, ">$file"
3155 0 0 if ($t eq "MIN" or $t eq "MAX" or $t =~ /ERR/u)
3179 0 0 if ($t eq "MIN" or $t eq "MAX" or $t =~ /ERR/u)
3204 0 0 if ($s eq "MIN" or $s eq "MAX" or $s =~ /ERR/u or $s <= 0)
3212 0 0 if ($ss ne "1.00" and $ss ne "2.50" and $ss ne "5.00")
3236 0 0 if ($s eq "MIN" or $s eq "MAX" or $s =~ /ERR/u or $s <= 0)
3244 0 0 if ($ss ne "1.00" and $ss ne "2.50" and $ss ne "5.00")
3279 0 0 if exists $tail->{'view'}
3280 0 0 if exists $tail->{'time'}
3281 0 0 if exists $tail->{'scale'}
3282 0 0 if exists $tail->{'delaytime'}
3283 0 0 if exists $tail->{'delayscale'}
3292 0 0 if ($r =~ /^\"/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($r =~ /^\'/u) { }
3316 0 0 if ($in =~ /^FFT\(CH(\d)(,\w+)?\)/iu) { }
3319 0 0 if defined $2 and $2 ne ""
3320 0 0 if $w ne ""
3354 0 0 if ($y =~ /ERR/u or $y eq "MIN" or $y eq "MAX")
3377 0 0 if $p eq "MIN"
3378 0 0 if $p eq "MAX"
3379 0 0 unless $p =~ /ERR/u
3380 0 0 if ($p =~ /ERR/u or $p < 0 or $p > 100)
3402 0 0 if $z eq "MIN"
3403 0 0 if $z eq "MAX"
3405 0 0 if ($z =~ /ERR/u or $z <= 0)
3412 0 0 if ($z < 1.5) { }
0 0 elsif ($z < 3.5) { }
0 0 elsif ($z < 7.5) { }
3425 0 0 if abs $z - $zoom > "0.01"
3444 0 0 if ($p eq "MIN" or $p eq "MAX" or $p =~ /ERR/u)
3467 0 0 if $z eq "MIN"
3468 0 0 if $z eq "MAX"
3470 0 0 if ($z =~ /ERR/u or $z <= 0)
3477 0 0 if ($z < 0.75) { }
0 0 elsif ($z < 1.5) { }
0 0 elsif ($z < 3.5) { }
0 0 elsif ($z < 7.5) { }
3493 0 0 if abs $z - $zoom > "0.01"
3504 0 0 unless defined $in
3507 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(\d)\s*$/u) { }
3512 0 0 if $n < 1 or $n > 5
3515 0 0 unless (defined $n)
3522 0 0 unless exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
3523 0 0 if $self->{'config'}{'no_cache'}
3525 0 0 if ($tail->{'read_mode'} eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{"meas_type_$n"})
3531 0 0 if ($n eq 'imm') { }
3563 0 0 if (not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif (not defined $type) { }
3573 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*imm/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(\d)\s*$/u) { }
3588 0 0 if ($n ne 'imm' and $type =~ /^\s*NONE/iu) { }
3609 0 0 if (not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(\d)\s*$/u) { }
3624 0 0 unless exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
3625 0 0 if $self->{'config'}{'no_cache'}
3627 0 0 if ($tail->{'read_mode'} eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{"meas_units_$n"})
3646 0 0 if (not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(\d)\s*$/u) { }
3661 0 0 unless exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
3662 0 0 if $self->{'config'}{'no_cache'}
3664 0 0 if ($tail->{'read_mode'} eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{"meas_source_$n"})
3670 0 0 if $n eq "imm"
3685 0 0 unless (defined $inw)
3692 0 0 if (not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(\d)\s*$/u) { }
3707 0 0 if $n eq "imm"
3722 0 0 if (not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(\d)\s*$/u) { }
3736 0 0 if ($n ne "imm")
3737 0 0 if ($self->get_measurement_type("measurement", $n) eq "NONE")
3745 0 0 unless ($self->get_visible("source", $wfm))
3792 0 0 if $r eq "RIS"
3802 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(ri|up|pos|\+)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(fa|d|neg|\-)/iu) { }
3824 0 0 if (defined $in) { }
3834 0 0 unless exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
3835 0 0 if $self->{'config'}{'no_cache'}
3837 0 0 if ($tail->{'read_mode'} eq "cache")
3839 0 0 if defined $self->{'device_cache'}{"${t}trig_source"}
3855 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(CH[1-4]|EXT5?)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(AC|LINE)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*([1-4])\s*$/u) { }
3871 0 0 if exists $tail->{'type'}
3872 0 0 unless defined $type
3888 0 0 if ($type eq "VIDEO")
3896 0 0 if ($r > "1e+37")
3920 0 0 if $t eq "MIN"
3921 0 0 if $t eq "MAX"
3923 0 0 if ($t =~ /ERR/u)
3929 0 0 if ($t < "5e-07" or $t > 10)
3950 0 0 if $self->get_trig_source eq "AC LINE"
3954 0 0 if ($v eq "MIN" or $v eq "MAX" or $v =~ /ERR/u)
3970 0 0 if $r eq "NORM"
3999 0 0 if $t eq "EDG"
4019 0 0 if $w eq "MIN"
4020 0 0 if $w eq "MAX"
4021 0 0 if ($w =~ /ERR/u)
4046 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(P|\+)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(N|M|\-)/iu) { }
4081 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(EQ|=)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(NO|NE|!=|<>)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(IN|LT|<)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(OU|GT|>)/iu) { }
4115 0 0 if $in eq "MIN"
4116 0 0 if ($in eq "MAX")
4119 0 0 if $std eq "PAL"
4121 0 0 if $in =~ /^\s*\d+/u
4123 0 0 if ($in =~ /ERR/u or $in < 1 or $in > 625)
4148 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(N|\-)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(I|\+)/iu) { }
4169 0 0 if $r eq "NTS"
4179 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(NTS|US|JP)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(PAL|EU|UK|AU|SEC)/iu) { }
4200 0 0 if $r eq "LINEN"
4236 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*1\s*$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*2\s*$/u) { }
4288 0 0 if $in =~ /^\s*MIN/iu
4289 0 0 if $in =~ /^\s*MAX/iu
4291 0 0 unless ($in =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/u)
4297 0 0 if ($i < 1 or $i >= 2500)
4320 0 0 if $in =~ /^\s*MIN/iu
4321 0 0 if $in =~ /^\s*MAX/iu
4323 0 0 unless ($in =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/u)
4329 0 0 if ($i < 2 or $i > 2500)
4353 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(REF)?([A-D])\s*$/iu) { }
4387 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*(CH)?([1-4])\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*MATH\s*$/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($in =~ /^\s*(REF)?([A-D])\s*$/iu) { }
4424 0 0 if exists $tail->{'width'}
4425 0 0 if exists $tail->{'start'}
4426 0 0 if exists $tail->{'stop'}
4427 0 0 if exists $tail->{'encoding'}
4428 0 0 if exists $tail->{'source'}
4429 0 0 if exists $tail->{'destination'}
4437 0 0 if exists $args->{'destination'}
4438 0 0 if exists $args->{'source'}
4440 0 0 unless ($self->get_visible($in))
4445 0 0 if defined $in
4447 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\s*MATH/iu)
4449 0 0 if ($dstop > 1024) { }
4480 0 0 if ($h->{'DAT:ENC'} =~ /^ASC/iu) { }
4484 0 0 unless (substr($h->{'CURV'}, 0, 2) =~ /^#\d/u)
4494 0 0 if ($w == 1) { }
4495 0 0 if ($f eq 'RP') { }
4503 0 0 if ($f eq 'RP') { }
4509 0 0 if ($xsb eq 'MSB') { }
4534 0 0 if ($h->{'WFMP:PT_F'} eq 'Y') { }
4561 0 0 unless defined $str
4562 0 0 unless $str =~ /^(\'|\")/u
4563 0 0 if ($str =~ /^\'(.*)\'$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/u) { }
4580 0 0 unless defined $n
4582 0 0 if $n <= 0
4586 0 0 if (defined $it0 xor defined $it1)
4592 0 0 if (defined $it0)
4594 0 0 if ($t0 =~ /(MIN|MAX|ERR)/iu)
4600 0 0 if (defined $it1)
4602 0 0 if ($t1 =~ /(MIN|MAX|ERR)/iu)
4614 0 0 if (defined $t0)
4617 0 0 if $n > 1
4625 0 0 unless (defined $t0)
4633 0 0 if (defined $vfunc)
4634 0 0 if (ref $vfunc ne "CODE")
4639 0 0 unless (defined $t0)
4649 0 0 if (defined $v1) { }
4650 0 0 if ($v1 < $v0)
4656 0 0 unless exists $hwfd->{'vmin'}
4657 0 0 unless exists $hwfd->{'vmax'}
4660 0 0 if (exists $hwfd->{'v'})
4665 0 0 if $n > 1250
4668 0 0 unless exists $hwfd->{'v'}
4670 0 0 if (exists $hwfd->{'vmin'})
4678 0 0 unless defined $vmin and $vmin < $v0
4679 0 0 unless defined $vmax and $vmax > $v1
4699 0 0 if (exists $tail->{'position'})
4701 0 0 if $ypos eq "MAX"
4702 0 0 if $ypos eq "MIN"
4703 0 0 if ($ypos eq "ERR" or $ypos > 5 or $ypos < -5)
4709 0 0 if (exists $tail->{'scale'})
4711 0 0 if $ysca eq "MIN"
4712 0 0 if $ysca eq "MAX"
4713 0 0 if ($ysca eq "ERR" or $ysca < "0.001" or $ysca > 10)
4721 0 0 if exists $tail->{'encoding'}
4723 0 0 if not defined $fmt and exists $hwfm->{'DAT:ENC'}
4724 0 0 unless defined $fmt
4730 0 0 if exists $tail->{'data_width'}
4731 0 0 if not defined $wd and exists $hwfm->{'DAT:WID'}
4732 0 0 unless defined $wd
4734 0 0 if ($wd < 1 or $wd > 2)
4741 0 0 if ($wd == 1) { }
4742 0 0 if ($fmt =~ /RP/u) { }
4752 0 0 if ($fmt =~ /RP/u) { }
4762 0 0 if (defined $ypos or defined $ysca)
4765 0 0 if ($wd == 1) { }
4766 0 0 if $fmt =~ /^\s*S?RP/iu
4770 0 0 if $fmt =~ /^\s*S?RP/iu
4774 0 0 if (defined $ypos)
4779 0 0 if (defined $ysca)
4788 0 0 if exists $hwfm->{'WFMP:PT_F'}
4791 0 0 if $ptf ne "Y"
4795 0 0 if (exists $tail->{'start'}) { }
4797 0 0 if $jstart eq "MIN"
4798 0 0 if $jstart eq "MAX"
4799 0 0 if ($jstart eq "ERR" or $jstart < 1 or $jstart >= $jlim)
4806 0 0 if exists $hwfm->{'DAT:STAR'}
4807 0 0 unless defined $jstart
4810 0 0 if (exists $tail->{'stop'}) { }
4812 0 0 if $jstop eq "MIN"
4813 0 0 if $jstop eq "MAX"
4814 0 0 if ($jstop eq "ERR" or $jstop < 2 or $jstop > $jlim)
4821 0 0 if exists $hwfm->{'DAT:STOP'}
4822 0 0 unless defined $jstop
4826 0 0 if defined $jmin and not defined $hwfm->{'t'}[$j]
4827 0 0 unless defined $hwfm->{'t'}[$j]
4828 0 0 unless defined $jmin and $jmin < $j
4829 0 0 unless defined $jmax and $jmax > $j
4831 0 0 unless defined $xmin and $xmin < $x
4832 0 0 unless defined $xmax and $xmax > $x
4834 0 0 if ($ptf eq 'Y') { }
4836 0 0 unless defined $ymin and $ymin < $y
4837 0 0 unless defined $ymax and $ymax > $y
4842 0 0 unless defined $ymin and $ymin < $y0
4843 0 0 unless defined $ymax and $ymax > $y1
4847 0 0 unless exists $hwfm->{'WFMP:XZE'}
4849 0 0 unless exists $hwfm->{'WFMP:XIN'}
4851 0 0 if $jmin > $jstart
4852 0 0 if $jmax < $jstop
4854 0 0 if ($jstart >= $jstop)
4866 0 0 unless exists $hwfm->{'WFMP:YOF'}
4869 0 0 unless exists $hwfm->{'WFMP:YZE'}
4872 0 0 unless exists $hwfm->{'WFMP:YMU'}
4878 0 0 if ($ptf eq 'Y') { }
4882 0 0 if $datapt < $datamin
4883 0 0 if $datapt > $datamax
4892 0 0 if $datapt < $datamin
4893 0 0 if $datapt > $datamax
4898 0 0 if $datapt < $datamin
4899 0 0 if $datapt > $datamax
4906 0 0 if ($fmt =~ /ASC/iu) { }
4912 0 0 if ($wd == 1) { }
4913 0 0 if ($fmt =~ /^\s*S?RP/iu) { }
4921 0 0 if ($fmt =~ /^\s*S?RP/iu) { }
4927 0 0 if ($fmt =~ /^\s*R/iu) { }
4945 0 0 if (exists $tail->{'destination'})
4952 0 0 if (exists $$hwfm{"WFMP:$k"})
4956 0 0 if $cmd ne ""
4961 0 0 if (exists $$hwfm{"DAT:$k"})
4965 0 0 if $cmd ne ""
4979 0 0 unless defined $in and ref $in eq "HASH"
4982 0 0 if (exists $tail->{'output'})
4983 0 0 if (ref($tail->{'output'}) =~ /(IO|GLOB)/u) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $tail->{'output'} eq '') { }
4998 0 0 unless $k =~ /^(WFMP|DAT):/u
5004 0 0 if exists $in->{'DAT:STAR'}
5006 0 0 if (exists $in->{'v'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $in->{'vmin'}) { }
5008 0 0 if exists $in->{'DAT:STOP'}
5023 0 0 if exists $in->{'DAT:STOP'}