Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 54 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
202 0 0 0 $flag <= "1.1" and $flag >= "0.9"
284 0 0 0 $value =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/u and $value >= -180
0 0 0 $value =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/u and $value >= -180 and $value <= 180
437 0 0 0 defined $read_mode and $read_mode =~ /device|cache|request|fetch/u
442 0 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'position'}
0 0 0 $read_mode eq "request" and $self->{'request'} == 0
0 0 0 $read_mode eq "request" and $self->{'request'} == 1
0 0 0 $read_mode eq "fetch" and $self->{'request'} == 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
57 0 0 0 ref $proto || $proto
142 0 0 0 $mode eq "ABS" or $mode eq "abs"
0 0 0 $mode eq "ABS" or $mode eq "abs" or $mode eq "ABSOLUTE"
0 0 0 $mode eq "ABS" or $mode eq "abs" or $mode eq "ABSOLUTE" or $mode eq "absolute"
0 0 0 $mode eq "REL" or $mode eq "rel"
0 0 0 $mode eq "REL" or $mode eq "rel" or $mode eq "RELATIVE"
0 0 0 $mode eq "REL" or $mode eq "rel" or $mode eq "RELATIVE" or $mode eq "relative"
146 0 0 0 $position < $self->device_settings->{'lower_limit'} or $position > $self->device_settings->{'upper_limit'}
163 0 0 0 $CP + $position < $self->device_settings->{'lower_limit'} or $CP + $position > $self->device_settings->{'upper_limit'}
284 0 0 0 $value eq "REF" or $value eq "ref"