Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 57 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
87 0 0 0 $range >= 0 and $range <= "3.03"
102 0 0 0 $range >= 0 and $range <= "757.5"
118 0 0 0 $range >= 0 and $range <= 1010
134 0 0 0 $range >= 0 and $range <= 101000000
204 0 0 0 $nplc < "0.01" and $nplc > 10
0 0 0 $nplc < "0.01" and $nplc > 10 and not $nplc =~ /\b(MAX|max|MIN|min|DEF|def)\b/u
269 0 0 0 $count >= "0.5" and $count <= "100.5"
505 0 0 0 $nop >= 2 and $nop <= 1024
600 0 0 0 $samplecount >= 1 and $samplecount <= 1024
624 0 0 0 $triggercount >= 1 and $triggercount <= 1024
647 0 0 0 $triggerdelay >= 0 and $triggerdelay <= "999999.999"
670 0 0 0 $timer >= "0.001" and $timer <= "999999.999"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
34 0 0 0 ref $proto || $proto
149 0 0 0 $range < 0 or $range > "0.001"
269 0 0 0 $count =~ /\b(OFF|off)\b/u or $count == 0
275 0 0 0 $count =~ /\b(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def)\b/u or $count =~ /\b\d+(e\d+|E\d+|exp\d+|EXP\d+)?\b/u
624 0 0 0 $triggercount >= 1 and $triggercount <= 1024 or $triggercount =~ /\b(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def)\b/u
647 0 0 0 $triggerdelay >= 0 and $triggerdelay <= "999999.999" or $triggerdelay =~ /\b(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def)\b/u
670 0 0 0 $timer >= "0.001" and $timer <= "999999.999" or $timer =~ /\b(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def)\b/u