Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 166 0.0

line true false branch
546 0 0 unless defined $option and ref $option eq "HASH"
547 0 0 unless exists $option->{'dropraw'}
548 0 0 unless exists $option->{'interpolate'}
550 0 0 unless exists $option->{'use_default_template'}
551 0 0 unless exists $option->{'print_summary'}
553 0 0 unless ($option->{'use_default_template'})
554 0 0 unless $self->{'PARSED_HEADER'}
577 0 0 unless substr($g, 0, 1) eq "<"
579 0 0 unless $str =~ /^\s*:?(\w+):(WF|WAVEFORM)\s*(\w+),/iu
589 0 0 if $DEBUG > 2
590 0 0 if $option->{'print_summary'}
592 0 0 unless exists $event->{'ANALYZE'}
594 0 0 unless exists $event->{'ANALYZE'}{$stream}
596 0 0 if $option->{'dropraw'}
617 0 0 if $raw->{'WAVEDESC'}{'TRACE_LABEL'} ne ""
640 0 0 unless defined $ymax and $ymax > $y
641 0 0 unless defined $ymin and $ymin < $y
706 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'TEMPLATE'})
712 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'TEMPLATE_PART'} and defined $self->{'TEMPLATE_PART'})
725 0 0 if (substr($w, 0, 1) ne "#")
730 0 0 unless ($nd =~ /[1-9]/u)
735 0 0 unless ($n =~ /^\d+$/u)
743 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'TEMPLATE_PART'}{'WAVEDESC:BLOCK'})
747 0 0 if ($self->{'TEMPLATE_PART'}{'WAVEDESC:BLOCK'} != 0)
754 0 0 unless $f->{'NAME'} eq "COMM_ORDER"
756 0 0 if ($bord == 0) { }
779 0 0 if ($seglen > 0)
800 0 0 unless (exists $a->{'WAVEDESC'}{$aname})
807 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'TEMPLATE_PART'}{$template})
825 0 0 if ($aname =~ /^RES_/u) { }
839 0 0 if $f->{'TYPE'} eq "data"
842 0 0 if ($#{$wdesc;} == 0)
846 0 0 if $f->{'TYPE'} eq "byte"
851 0 0 if $f->{'TYPE'} eq "word"
856 0 0 if $f->{'TYPE'} eq "long"
857 0 0 if (defined $fmt)
891 0 0 if ($a->{'TYPE'} eq "data")
895 0 0 if ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'string') { }
0 0 elsif ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'byte') { }
0 0 elsif ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'word') { }
0 0 elsif ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'long') { }
0 0 elsif ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'float') { }
0 0 elsif ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'double') { }
0 0 elsif ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'time_stamp') { }
0 0 elsif ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'unit_definition') { }
0 0 elsif ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'enum') { }
0 0 elsif ($a->{'TYPE'} eq 'text') { }
922 0 0 if $ord eq "<"
932 0 0 if $ord eq "<"
935 0 0 if $sec < 10
972 0 0 if $s
992 0 0 if ($bottom == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($top == 2146435072) { }
993 0 0 if ($top == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($top == 2147483648) { }
0 0 elsif ($top == 2146435072) { }
0 0 elsif ($top == 4293918720) { }
1041 0 0 if (ref $h ne "HASH")
1047 0 0 if $x < $h->{'XMIN'} or $x > $h->{'XMAX'}
1052 0 0 if (exists $h->{'Y'}) { }
1078 0 0 if ($enc =~ /^ASC/iu) { }
1082 0 0 unless (substr($dat, 0, 2) =~ /^#\d/u)
1088 0 0 if ($wd == 1) { }
1089 0 0 if ($enc =~ /^RPB/iu) { }
1097 0 0 if ($enc =~ /RPB/iu) { }
1103 0 0 if ($enc =~ /^S/iu) { }
1132 0 0 if /^\s*$/u
1134 0 0 if (not defined $scopish and /^(TMPL|TEMPLATE)\s+\"/iu)
1139 0 0 if (defined $scopish and $scopish and /^\"/u)
1143 0 0 if (not defined $scopish and m[^(/|0|;)]u)
1148 0 0 if /^\s*$/u
1149 0 0 if m[^\s*/00]u
1150 0 0 if /^\s*00/iu
1151 0 0 if /^\s+\d[\d\s]+/u
1153 0 0 if ($inenum)
1154 0 0 if (/^\s*endenum(\s|$)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif (/^\s*_(\d+)\s+(.+)(\s|$)/iu) { }
1166 0 0 if (/^\s*(\w+)\s*:\s*(\w+)/iu) { }
0 0 elsif (/^\s*\<\s*(\d+)\s*\>\s+(\w+):\s*(\w+)/iu) { }
1179 0 0 if (lc $x->{'TYPE'} eq "enum")
1190 0 0 if $DEBUG
1200 0 0 if (defined $ev->{'RUNHEADER'})
1202 0 0 unless $g =~ /^\s*\<(TMPL|TEMPLATE)/iu