Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 451 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
433 0 0 0 $#{$args;} == 0 and ref $args->[0] eq "HASH"
531 0 0 0 defined $in and $in ne ""
691 0 0 0 $u =~ /(HZ|OHM)/iu and $str =~ /^ma?($u)$/iu
0 0 0 $u =~ /A/iu and $str =~ /^ma$/iu
0 0 0 not $u =~ /(HZ|OHM)/iu and $str =~ /^ma($u)?$/iu
1023 0 0 0 exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1040 0 0 0 exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1109 0 0 0 defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'HEADER'} and $self->{'device_cache'}{'HEADER'} == $h
1122 0 0 0 exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1162 0 0 0 defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'VERBOSE'} and $self->{'device_cache'}{'VERBOSE'} == $v
1174 0 0 0 exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1216 0 0 0 defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'LOCKED'} and $self->{'device_cache'}{'LOCKED'} eq $lock
1373 0 0 0 exists $h->{'TRIG:MAI:EDGE:SOU'} and $h->{'TRIG:MAI:EDGE:SOU'} eq "LINE"
1378 0 0 0 $ec != 0 and $ec != 300
0 0 0 $ec == 300 and not $em =~ /no\s*alternate/iu
1438 0 0 0 defined $v and $v ne ""
1905 0 0 0 defined $cache->{'select'} and $vis == $cache->{'select'}
1919 0 0 0 exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
1955 0 0 0 defined $v and $tail->{'read_mode'} eq "cache"
2049 0 0 0 $fact != "0.2" and $fact != 1
0 0 0 $fact != "0.2" and $fact != 1 and $fact != 2
0 0 0 $fact != "0.2" and $fact != 1 and $fact != 2 and $fact != 5
0 0 0 $fact != "0.2" and $fact != 1 and $fact != 2 and $fact != 5 and $fact != 10
0 0 0 $fact != "0.2" and $fact != 1 and $fact != 2 and $fact != 5 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 50
0 0 0 $fact != "0.2" and $fact != 1 and $fact != 2 and $fact != 5 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 50 and $fact != 100
0 0 0 $fact != "0.2" and $fact != 1 and $fact != 2 and $fact != 5 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 50 and $fact != 100 and $fact != 1000
2170 0 0 0 $fact != 1 and $fact != 10
0 0 0 $fact != 1 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 20
0 0 0 $fact != 1 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 20 and $fact != 50
0 0 0 $fact != 1 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 20 and $fact != 50 and $fact != 100
0 0 0 $fact != 1 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 20 and $fact != 50 and $fact != 100 and $fact != 500
0 0 0 $fact != 1 and $fact != 10 and $fact != 20 and $fact != 50 and $fact != 100 and $fact != 500 and $fact != 1000
2370 0 0 0 $dform eq "XY" and $c ne "OFF"
2734 0 0 0 $p != 1 and $p != 2
0 0 0 $p != 1 and $p != 2 and $p != 5
3083 0 0 0 $ovr && -w $file
0 0 0 -e $file and not $ovr && -w $file
3112 0 0 0 defined $file and defined $r
3212 0 0 0 $ss ne "1.00" and $ss ne "2.50"
0 0 0 $ss ne "1.00" and $ss ne "2.50" and $ss ne "5.00"
3244 0 0 0 $ss ne "1.00" and $ss ne "2.50"
0 0 0 $ss ne "1.00" and $ss ne "2.50" and $ss ne "5.00"
3319 0 0 0 defined $2 and $2 ne ""
3522 0 0 0 exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
3525 0 0 0 $tail->{'read_mode'} eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{"meas_type_$n"}
3588 0 0 0 $n ne "imm" and $type =~ /^\s*NONE/iu
3624 0 0 0 exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
3627 0 0 0 $tail->{'read_mode'} eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{"meas_units_$n"}
3661 0 0 0 exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
3664 0 0 0 $tail->{'read_mode'} eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{"meas_source_$n"}
3834 0 0 0 exists $tail->{'read_mode'} and defined $tail->{'read_mode'}
4678 0 0 0 defined $vmin and $vmin < $v0
4679 0 0 0 defined $vmax and $vmax > $v1
4723 0 0 0 not defined $fmt and exists $hwfm->{'DAT:ENC'}
4731 0 0 0 not defined $wd and exists $hwfm->{'DAT:WID'}
4826 0 0 0 defined $jmin and not defined $hwfm->{'t'}[$j]
4828 0 0 0 defined $jmin and $jmin < $j
4829 0 0 0 defined $jmax and $jmax > $j
4831 0 0 0 defined $xmin and $xmin < $x
4832 0 0 0 defined $xmax and $xmax > $x
4836 0 0 0 defined $ymin and $ymin < $y
4837 0 0 0 defined $ymax and $ymax > $y
4842 0 0 0 defined $ymin and $ymin < $y0
4843 0 0 0 defined $ymax and $ymax > $y1
4979 0 0 0 defined $in and ref $in eq "HASH"
5014 0 0 0 $k < 5 and $j + $k <= $j1
5031 0 0 0 $k < 5 and $j + $k <= $j1
5036 0 0 0 $k < 5 and $j + $k <= $j1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
4835 0 0 $hwfm->{'v'}[$j] || 0
4840 0 0 $hwfm->{'vmin'}[$j] || 0
4841 0 0 $hwfm->{'vmax'}[$j] || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
363 0 0 0 ref $proto || $proto
975 0 0 0 $time =~ /(ERR|MIN|MAX)/u or $tmax <= 0
985 0 0 0 $dtcheck =~ /(ERR|MIN|MAX)/u or $dtcheck <= 0
1025 0 0 0 $tail->{'read_mode'} ne "cache" or not defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'ID'}
1042 0 0 0 $tail->{'read_mode'} ne "cache" or not defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'HEADER'}
1066 0 0 0 not $in =~ /^s*\d+\s*$/u or $in < 1
0 0 0 not $in =~ /^s*\d+\s*$/u or $in < 1 or $in > 10
0 0 0 not $in =~ /^s*\d+\s*$/u or $in < 1 or $in > 10 or int $in != $in
1081 0 0 0 not $in =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/u or $in < 1
0 0 0 not $in =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/u or $in < 1 or $in > 10
0 0 0 not $in =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/u or $in < 1 or $in > 10 or $in != int $in
1124 0 0 0 $tail->{'read_mode'} ne "cache" or not defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'VERBOSE'}
1176 0 0 0 $tail->{'read_mode'} ne "cache" or not defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'LOCKED'}
1378 0 0 0 $ec != 0 and $ec != 300 or $ec == 300 and not $em =~ /no\s*alternate/iu
1505 0 0 0 $in == 4 or $in == 16
0 0 0 $in == 4 or $in == 16 or $in == 64
0 0 0 $in == 4 or $in == 16 or $in == 64 or $in == 128
2043 0 0 0 $fact =~ /^ERR/iu or $fact eq "MIN"
0 0 0 $fact =~ /^ERR/iu or $fact eq "MIN" or $fact eq "MAX"
2121 0 0 0 $p =~ /ERR/u or $p eq "MIN"
0 0 0 $p =~ /ERR/u or $p eq "MIN" or $p eq "MAX"
2163 0 0 0 $fact =~ /ERR/u or $fact eq "MIN"
0 0 0 $fact =~ /ERR/u or $fact eq "MIN" or $fact eq "MAX"
2203 0 0 0 $gain =~ /ERR/u or $gain eq "MIN"
0 0 0 $gain =~ /ERR/u or $gain eq "MIN" or $gain eq "MAX"
2224 0 0 0 $gain > $vmax or $gain < $vmin
2431 0 0 0 $ch =~ /^CH[1-4]$/iu or $ch =~ /^MATH$/iu
0 0 0 $ch =~ /^CH[1-4]$/iu or $ch =~ /^MATH$/iu or $ch =~ /^REF[a-d]$/iu
2449 0 0 0 $in =~ /^\s*her/iu or $in =~ /^\s*Hz/iu
2594 0 0 0 $pos =~ /ERR/u or $pos eq "MIN"
0 0 0 $pos =~ /ERR/u or $pos eq "MIN" or $pos eq "MAX"
2679 0 0 0 $cont < 1 or $cont > 100
2734 0 0 0 $p =~ /ERR/iu or $p != 1 and $p != 2 and $p != 5
3155 0 0 0 $t eq "MIN" or $t eq "MAX"
0 0 0 $t eq "MIN" or $t eq "MAX" or $t =~ /ERR/u
3179 0 0 0 $t eq "MIN" or $t eq "MAX"
0 0 0 $t eq "MIN" or $t eq "MAX" or $t =~ /ERR/u
3204 0 0 0 $s eq "MIN" or $s eq "MAX"
0 0 0 $s eq "MIN" or $s eq "MAX" or $s =~ /ERR/u
0 0 0 $s eq "MIN" or $s eq "MAX" or $s =~ /ERR/u or $s <= 0
3236 0 0 0 $s eq "MIN" or $s eq "MAX"
0 0 0 $s eq "MIN" or $s eq "MAX" or $s =~ /ERR/u
0 0 0 $s eq "MIN" or $s eq "MAX" or $s =~ /ERR/u or $s <= 0
3354 0 0 0 $y =~ /ERR/u or $y eq "MIN"
0 0 0 $y =~ /ERR/u or $y eq "MIN" or $y eq "MAX"
3380 0 0 0 $p =~ /ERR/u or $p < 0
0 0 0 $p =~ /ERR/u or $p < 0 or $p > 100
3405 0 0 0 $z =~ /ERR/u or $z <= 0
3444 0 0 0 $p eq "MIN" or $p eq "MAX"
0 0 0 $p eq "MIN" or $p eq "MAX" or $p =~ /ERR/u
3470 0 0 0 $z =~ /ERR/u or $z <= 0
3507 0 0 0 $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u
3512 0 0 0 $n < 1 or $n > 5
3563 0 0 0 not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*$/u
3609 0 0 0 not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu
0 0 0 not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u
3646 0 0 0 not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu
0 0 0 not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u
3692 0 0 0 not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu
0 0 0 not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u
3722 0 0 0 not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu
0 0 0 not defined $in or $in =~ /^\s*imm/iu or $in =~ /^\s*$/u
3929 0 0 0 $t < "5e-07" or $t > 10
3954 0 0 0 $v eq "MIN" or $v eq "MAX"
0 0 0 $v eq "MIN" or $v eq "MAX" or $v =~ /ERR/u
4123 0 0 0 $in =~ /ERR/u or $in < 1
0 0 0 $in =~ /ERR/u or $in < 1 or $in > 625
4297 0 0 0 $i < 1 or $i >= 2500
4329 0 0 0 $i < 2 or $i > 2500
4703 0 0 0 $ypos eq "ERR" or $ypos > 5
0 0 0 $ypos eq "ERR" or $ypos > 5 or $ypos < -5
4713 0 0 0 $ysca eq "ERR" or $ysca < "0.001"
0 0 0 $ysca eq "ERR" or $ysca < "0.001" or $ysca > 10
4734 0 0 0 $wd < 1 or $wd > 2
4762 0 0 0 defined $ypos or defined $ysca
4799 0 0 0 $jstart eq "ERR" or $jstart < 1
0 0 0 $jstart eq "ERR" or $jstart < 1 or $jstart >= $jlim
4814 0 0 0 $jstop eq "ERR" or $jstop < 2
0 0 0 $jstop eq "ERR" or $jstop < 2 or $jstop > $jlim

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
4586 0 0 0 0 defined $it0 xor defined $it1