Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 48 70.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
202 2 14 6 $self->dump_title and $ua->can("title")
16 5 1 $self->dump_title and $ua->can("title") and $ua->title
300 2 2 18 $self->dump_cookies and $jar
2 0 18 $self->dump_cookies and $jar and XXX
337 0 0 0 $val and $key =~ /expires|_time/
363 30 14 2 $type ne "text" and &none(sub {
44 0 2 $type ne "text" and &none(sub {
414 4 4 15 $self->text_pre_filter and $r->isa("HTTP::Response")
461 0 3 3 $type and $type eq "application"
3 1 2 $type and $type eq "application" and $subtype eq "javascript"
0 3 1 $type and $type eq "application"
3 0 1 $type and $type eq "application" and $subtype eq "x-www-form-urlencoded"
527 23 0 0 exists $ENV{'COLUMNS'} and $ENV{'COLUMNS'} =~ /^\d+$/
530 23 0 0 $width and $width >= 80

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
461 4 0 6 $subtype eq "json" or $subtype =~ /$json_regex/
0 1 2 not $type or $type ne "text"