Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 141 144 99.3

line true false branch
45 0 468 if $stopped
47 384 84 if (@got)
68 2 1149 if $stopped
70 1022 127 if (@got)
73 282 727 if $pass
95 4 52 if $end
96 28 24 unless ($inner)
98 24 4 if (defined $inner) { }
108 24 24 unless (@got)
120 2 4 if @_
127 2 4 if @_
134 4 8 if @_
187 68 316 if ($X->[0] eq $Y->[0])
198 7 7 if ($hint eq "-left" or $hint eq "-outer")
200 23 12 if $found_x[$Xi]
207 6 8 if ($hint eq "-right" or $hint eq "-outer")
209 30 6 if $found_y[$Yi]
222 4 5 unless $hint =~ /\A-(left|inner)\z/
234 19 4 if (@group or $hint eq "-left")
260 0 100 if $stopped
262 19 79 unless (@got and &$filter($_ = $got[0]))
288 14 104 if $stopped
290 14 90 unless (@got)
294 50 40 if $started
295 28 12 if (&$filter($_ = $got[0]))
313 10 111 unless @collections
316 21 90 unless (@got)
330 47 2 if (@_)
331 10 37 ref $_[0] ? :
332 37 10 @_ ? :
335 12 37 unless ($keygen)
336 2 10 if ($hint eq '-string') { }
8 2 elsif ($hint eq '-numeric') { }
346 23 16 if ($hint eq '-string') { }
14 2 elsif ($hint eq '-numeric') { }
403 6 14 unless ($values{$key})
425 4 4 @_ ? :
432 12 74 if &$compare($maybe, $got)
450 2 2 @_ ? :
458 2 2 @_ ? :
467 12 6 if (@compare)
478 10 104 if (not @got1) { }
2 102 elsif (not @got2) { }
479 4 6 if (@got2) { }
490 60 42 if ($compare) { }
491 4 56 unless &$compare($got1[0], $got2[0])
494 2 40 unless $got1[0] == $got2[0]
529 10 3 @_ ? :
530 7 4 if $found->count > 0
540 11 2 @_ ? :
541 7 4 if $found->count > 0
551 30 2 @_ ? :
552 22 8 if $found->count == 1
553 4 4 $found->count == 0 ? :
569 2 58 if ($i > $#list)
573 2 56 if ($i < 0 - @list)
586 30 2 @_ ? :
603 24 7 if (@args)
610 3 184 unless my(@got) = &$iter()
611 4 180 if $got[0] == $x
617 1 98 if @_
641 908 164 @list ? :
649 3 4 if $self->count == $cast->count
660 8 15 unless (&Scalar::Util::blessed($type) and $type->can("check"))
667 11 4 if ($type->isa("Type::Tiny"))
670 7 4 if ($type->has_coercion)
678 0 4 if ($type->can("has_coercion") and $type->has_coercion)
701 4 40 unless @r1 and @r2
711 2 2 if ($self->count == 0)
727 7 2 unless ($ok)
730 2 5 unless &Scalar::Util::blessed($e)
731 2 3 unless $e->isa("LINQ::LAST")