Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 90 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
43 0 0 0 defined $last_check and $last_check eq 'ignore'
51 0 0 0 defined $last_check and $last_check eq 'ignore' || $last_check >= $current_age
66 0 0 0 defined $path and -e $path
146 0 0 0 $file_path and -e $file_path
156 0 0 0 Kephra::App::EditPanel::Margin::_config()->{'linenumber'}{'autosize'} and Kephra::App::EditPanel::Margin::_config()->{'linenumber'}{'width'}
179 0 0 0 defined $nr and $ep
0 0 0 defined $nr and $ep and -e $file
194 0 0 0 $file and -e $file
203 0 0 0 $$save_config{'reload_config'} == 1 and Kephra::Document::Data::get_attribute('config_file')
217 0 0 0 $file and check_b4_overwite($file)
244 0 0 0 $file and check_b4_overwite($file)
273 0 0 0 $unsaved == 1 and can_save()
291 0 0 0 $doc_nr != $cdoc_nr and $name
0 0 0 $doc_nr != $cdoc_nr and $name and $mod
293 0 0 0 can_save() and Kephra::Document::Data::get_file_path()
296 0 0 0 $$file{'modified'} and $$file{'file_name'}
386 0 0 0 $close_last and $switch

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
14 0 0 0 not defined $doc_nr or ref $doc_nr
24 0 0 0 not defined $doc_nr or ref $doc_nr
51 0 0 0 $last_check eq 'ignore' || $last_check >= $current_age
64 0 0 0 shift() || Kephra::Document::Data::current_nr()
65 0 0 0 shift() || Kephra::Document::Data::get_file_path($doc_nr)
115 0 0 0 not $recursive or $_ eq '.'
0 0 0 not $recursive or $_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..'
181 0 0 0 $ep->GetModify == 1 or $$save_config{'unchanged'}
193 0 0 0 $ep->GetModify == 1 or $$save_config{'unchanged'}
326 0 0 0 $ep->GetModify == 1 or $$config{'unchanged'} eq 1
327 0 0 0 $ep->GetTextLength > 0 or $$config{'empty'} eq 1
328 0 0 0 $$config{'b4_close'} eq 'ask' or $$config{'b4_close'} eq '2'
334 0 0 0 $save_answer == &Wx::wxYES or $$config{'b4_close'} eq '1'