Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 30 93.3

line true false branch
221 2 945 unless defined $handler_config
222 1 944 unless defined $$handler_config{'probe'} and (reftype($$handler_config{'probe'}) || '') eq 'CODE'
228 12 932 if (not $self->CANCEL_REUSE and $reusable and defined $self->_cache->{$handler_name})
232 1 11 unless (eval { do { $$handler_config{'probe'}($result) } })
233 1 0 if $self->DEBUG
238 933 11 unless ($result)
242 1 38 unless (eval { do { $$handler_config{'probe'}($result) } })
248 26 23 if not $self->CANCEL_REUSE and $reusable
280 1 14 unless scalar keys %handlers
284 1 14 if exists $self->init->{$handler_name}
307 1 5 unless scalar @handlers
311 1 5 unless exists $self->init->{$handler_name}
316 2 3 if exists $self->_cache->{$handler_name}
341 3 0 wantarray ? :
365 2 3 unless scalar @handlers