Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 33 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
149 0 0 0 $page_h and $start
0 0 0 $page_h and $start and substr($text, $start, $limit) =~ /^(.*)\014/s
192 0 0 0 $page_h and substr($x, $limit * -2) =~ s/(\014[^\014]*)//
219 0 0 0 @relative_starts and $relative_starts[0] < 0
223 0 0 0 @relative_ends and $relative_ends[-1] > $this_x_len
236 0 0 0 $need_ellipsis && ($summary .= $ellipsis)
0 0 0 $need_ellipsis && !$prev_ellipsis && ($summary .= $ellipsis)
265 0 0 0 $need_ellipsis and not $prev_ellipsis

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
103 0 0 0 not $summ_len or $range->size >= $summ_len
246 0 0 0 $last_send or $sstart
269 0 0 0 $last_send or $sstart