Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 2 62 3.2

line true false branch
23 0 0 if ($current == $previous + 1) { }
37 0 1 exists $args{'ellipsis'} ? :
39 0 1 exists $args{'summary_length'} ? :
56 0 0 if defined $pre_tag
57 0 0 if defined $post_tag
71 0 0 unless defined $text
73 0 0 unless $text_length
92 0 0 unless @locs
101 0 0 if $start < 0
103 0 0 if not $summ_len or $range->size >= $summ_len
110 0 0 if $excerpt_bounds[$c][0] - $excerpt_bounds[$c - 1][1] <= 10
136 0 0 if $page_h
149 0 0 if ($page_h and $start and substr($text, $start, $limit) =~ /^(.*)\014/s) { }
0 0 elsif ($start) { }
159 0 0 if (@$sb) { }
164 0 0 if ($need_ellipsis)
168 0 0 if ($x =~ s/ \A ( .{1,$limit}? # don't go outside the window ) (?=$token_re) # just b4 the start of a full token //msx)
189 0 0 if ($end < $text_length)
192 0 0 if ($page_h and substr($x, $limit * -2) =~ s/(\014[^\014]*)//)
200 0 0 if ($extra_char =~ /$token_re/)
206 0 0 unless ($x =~ /\.\s*\Z/msx)
232 0 0 if ($page_h) { }
236 0 0 $prev_page != $page_no ? :
246 0 0 if $last_send or $sstart
258 0 0 unless $last_send == length $x
265 0 0 if $need_ellipsis and not $prev_ellipsis
269 0 0 if $last_send or $sstart
279 0 0 unless $last_send == length $x
297 0 0 if length $to_encode[0]
300 0 0 if length $_
308 0 0 unless $encoder{$__[0]}