Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 2 32 6.2

line true false branch
38 0 0 unless $self->loop
56 0 0 if (exists $self->{'pending_jobs'}{$id}) { }
102 0 0 $self->use_multi ? :
105 0 0 if (my $timeout = $self->timeout)
111 0 0 if $f->is_ready
166 0 0 if (not $pending and $self->{'awaiting_job'})
180 0 0 unless ($self->{'queue_redis'})
193 0 0 unless ($self->{'redis'})
206 0 0 unless length(my $prefix = $self->prefix)
215 0 0 if $pending >= $self->max_concurrent_jobs
216 0 0 if (not $pending and $self->{'stopping_future'})
220 0 0 unless $self->{'awaiting_job'}
247 0 6 if exists $args{$k}
250 0 1 if (exists $args{'pending_queues'})
251 0 0 if (my $queues = $args{'pending_queues'}) { }
252 0 0 if $self->mode eq 'reliable' and @$queues > 1