Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 68 51.4

line true false branch
21 1 16 unless $block =~ /\S/
45 11 0 unless my($from, $to) = $val =~ /\s*\[\s*(\S+)\s*\.\.\s*(\S+)\s*\]/
48 0 0 unless $from =~ /^-?\d+$/ and $to =~ /^-?\d+$/
59 2 69 if $INJAVASCRIPT
83 0 45 unless @$ident
88 0 45 if (ref $class and @$ident > 2 and $ns = $$class{'NAMESPACE'})
91 0 0 if ($ns = $$ns{$key})
96 31 14 if (scalar @$ident <= 2 and not $$ident[1]) { }
113 10 0 if (ref $var)
114 8 2 if (scalar @$var == 2 and not $$var[1]) { }
122 0 10 if $default
134 0 7 if @$hash
137 1 6 unless @$args
148 0 4 if (@$names > 1) { }
170 2 58 unless $block
226 0 1 @$hash ? :
241 1 2 @$hash ? :
256 6 1 $else ? :
265 2 5 if (defined $else)
281 0 1 @$args ? :
284 1 0 if ($target) { }
355 1 3 if @$file > 1
359 3 0 @$hash ? :
376 1 0 @$hash ? :
460 1 0 if (defined $default)
545 0 0 if $args
578 0 0 $args ? :
0 0 if $alias
580 0 0 if $args
596 1 0 if (@_ and ref $_[0])
609 1 0 if ($args) { }
677 0 0 if (ref $name)
678 0 0 if (scalar @$name == 2 and not $$name[1]) { }
706 0 0 if (*$glob{'CODE'})