Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 46 69 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
71 2 3 180 0 <= $self->cursor + $_[0] and $self->split_source + 0 > $self->cursor + $_[0]
159 32 7 0 $self->re_word eq '=' || $self->re_word eq '(' and $c eq '+' || $c eq '-'
5 0 2 $self->re_word eq '=' || $self->re_word eq '(' and $c eq '+' || $c eq '-' and $c2 =~ /^\d$/
33 3 1 $TERMSPACE{$c} and $TERMSPACE{$c2}
204 46 16 0 $c =~ /\s/o and $self->get_charlast =~ /\s/ || !($c2 =~ /[_a-zA-Z0-9]/)
227 46 7 0 $c =~ /\s/o and $c2 =~ /\s/o
19 19 3 $self->squishmode and $c eq 'i'
38 3 0 $self->squishmode and $c eq 'i' and $bword eq 'else'
15 13 5 $self->squishmode and $c =~ /\s/o
3 0 2 $self->get_charlast =~ /[_a-zA-Z0-9]/ && $c2 =~ /[_a-zA-Z0-9]/
28 2 3 $self->squishmode and $c =~ /\s/o and not $self->get_charlast =~ /[_a-zA-Z0-9]/ && $c2 =~ /[_a-zA-Z0-9]/
236 0 1 1 $bword =~ /^(case|catch|do|for|function|if|import|switch|throw|try|while|with)$/o and not $self->squishmode
249 0 1 1 $bword =~ /^(case|catch|do|try|else|\))$/o and not $self->squishmode
267 4 0 0 $self->parentheses_nest and not $self->squishmode
286 0 0 0 $c eq '*' and $c2 eq '/'
340 60 2 0 $self->is_linehead and $c =~ /\s/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
159 2 0 39 $cc2 eq '++' or $cc2 eq '--'
5 2 32 $self->re_word eq '=' || $self->re_word eq '('
0 2 5 $c eq '+' || $c eq '-'
2 0 37 $self->re_word eq '=' || $self->re_word eq '(' and $c eq '+' || $c eq '-' and $c2 =~ /^\d$/ or $TERMSPACE{$c} and $TERMSPACE{$c2}
204 0 9 7 $self->get_charlast =~ /\s/ || !($c2 =~ /[_a-zA-Z0-9]/)
227 0 0 53 $c eq '"' or $c eq q[']
324 0 0 0 $c eq '/' or $c eq "\n"