Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 42 70 60.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
61 107 0 2 $self->example_key and $$schema{$self->example_key}
87 0 75 4 defined $min and $schema->{'exclusiveMinimum'}
88 0 75 4 defined $max and $schema->{'exclusiveMaximum'}
173 0 12 0 $self->max_depth and $self->_depth >= $self->max_depth
190 0 23 0 $self->max_depth and $self->_depth >= $self->max_depth
198 0 22 0 $self->max_depth and $self->_depth >= $self->max_depth
216 0 45 0 $self->max_depth and $self->_depth >= $self->max_depth
269 6 0 1 $min and scalar keys %properties < $min
283 5 1 1 $max and scalar keys %properties > $max
293 2 0 0 $required and grep {$_ eq $property;} @{$required;}
300 0 7 0 $self->max_depth and $self->_depth >= $self->max_depth
312 0 34 0 $self->max_depth and $self->_depth >= $self->max_depth
337 0 96 1 $schema->{'type'} and ref $schema->{'type'} eq "ARRAY"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
35 9 0 $args{'schema_str'} || die('json_schema_to_json needs schema or schema_str arg')
83 59 20 $schema->{'minimum'} || 1
84 59 20 $schema->{'maximum'} || 1000
125 0 20 $schema->{'enum'} // []
403 97 0 $schema_type //= "null"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
152 3 8 0 $schema->{'minLength'} || ($schema->{'maxLength'} ? $schema->{'maxLength'} - 1 : 10)
155 3 8 0 $schema->{'maxLength'} || ($schema->{'minLength'} ? $schema->{'minLength'} + 1 : 50)
170 5 7 0 $schema->{'minItems'} || ($schema->{'maxItems'} ? $schema->{'maxItems'} - 1 : 1)
5 7 0 $schema->{'maxItems'} || ($schema->{'minItems'} ? $schema->{'minItems'} + 1 : 5)
259 1 0 6 $schema->{'minProperties'} || ($schema->{'maxProperties'} ? $schema->{'maxProperties'} - 1 : undef)
262 2 0 5 $schema->{'maxProperties'} || ($schema->{'minProperties'} ? $schema->{'minProperties'} + 1 : undef)
264 1 1 5 $min or $max