Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 30 93.3

line true false branch
87 1 87 if ((my $type = get_type($schema)) ne "object")
93 1 86 unless assert_keyword_exists({%$state, "keyword", "openapi"}, $schema) and assert_keyword_type({%$state, "keyword", "openapi"}, $schema, "string")
96 1 85 unless ($schema->{'openapi'} =~ /^3\.1\.[0-9]+(-.+)?$/u)
105 1 84 if exists $schema->{'jsonSchemaDialect'} and not assert_keyword_type({%$state, "keyword", "jsonSchemaDialect"}, $schema, "string")
119 1 83 if (@{$check_metaschema_state->{'errors'}})
137 126 0 if $schema->{'$dynamicRef'} eq "#meta"
141 30 3109 if $schema->{'$ref'} eq "#/\$defs/operation" and defined $data->{'operationId'}
147 4 79 unless ($result)
155 16 110 if &any(sub {
163 6 24 if (my $existing = $self->get_operationId($operation_id)) { }
186 4 1 if $x >= -$bound
192 4 1 if $x >= -$bound
203 176 176 if $uri =~ /schema(-base)?$/u
209 26 84 unless XXX and keys %$schema
219 0 84 if @{$subschema_state->{'errors'}}