Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 18 88.8

line true false branch
150 739 12893 if $state->{'initial_schema_uri'} ne $original_uri
152 121 13511 if (@{$state->{'errors'}})
154 147 0 unless defined $error->mode
169 12807 704 if not "$original_uri" and $original_uri eq $self->canonical_uri or "$original_uri"
177 0 13513 if XXX and exists $self->schema->{'openapi'}
179 1 13631 $self->metaschema_uri ? :
186 121 13511 if @{$state->{'errors'}}
191 13396 115 XXX ? :
193 13510 1 if $metaschema_uri ne ($self->metaschema_uri // "")