Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 71 89 79.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
70 157 0 6508 $flags & 1024 && !($flags & 768)
74 126 0 1915 !($flags & 1024) && $flags & 768
78 99 17 1351 !($flags & 1024) && $flags & 768 && int $value == $value
99 711 1 1402 $flags & 1024 and not $flags & 768
100 1 0 711 not $flags & 1024 and $flags & 768
189 3665 1 28 $uri eq '' and $keyword_location eq ''
607 188 2871 ($uri->fragment // '') eq $keyword_location and $uri->clone->fragment(undef) eq ''
213 387 0 0 $uri eq '' and $keyword_location eq ''
13 3 371 ($uri->fragment // '') eq $keyword_location and $uri->clone->fragment(undef) eq ''
259 155 159 451 $ref =~ /#/u and not $ref =~ /#$/u
314 41 410 $ref =~ /#/u and not $ref =~ /#$/u and not $ref =~ /#[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*$/u
200 402 8 $ref =~ /#/u and not $ref =~ /#$/u and not $ref =~ /#[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*$/u and not $ref =~ m[#/(?:[^~]|~[01])*$]u
275 82 0 0 $string =~ /#/u and not $string =~ /#$/u
82 0 0 $string =~ /#/u and not $string =~ /#$/u and not $string =~ /#[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*$/u
0 0 0 $string =~ /#/u and not $string =~ /#$/u and not $string =~ /#[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*$/u and not $string =~ m[#/(?:[^~]|~[01])*$]u

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
111 242 1253 $state->{'path'} //= ''
174 654 12514 $uri->fragment // ''
189 3664 2 $uri->fragment // ''
213 387 0 $uri->fragment // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
65 6939 2342 1562 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'number'
9281 1561 1 $type eq 'string' or $type eq 'number' or $type eq 'integer'
66 21 648 10173 not defined $value or XXX
117 45 246 216 $types[0] eq 'boolean' or $types[0] eq 'number'
189 28 3140 526 $uri eq '' and $keyword_location eq '' or ($uri->fragment // '') eq $keyword_location and $uri->clone->fragment(undef) eq ''
213 0 384 3 $uri eq '' and $keyword_location eq '' or ($uri->fragment // '') eq $keyword_location and $uri->clone->fragment(undef) eq ''
259 4 0 765 fc 'Mojo::URL'->new($ref)->to_unsafe_string ne fc $ref or $ref =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/u
4 16 749 fc 'Mojo::URL'->new($ref)->to_unsafe_string ne fc $ref or $ref =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/u or $ref =~ /#/u and not $ref =~ /#$/u and not $ref =~ /#[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*$/u and not $ref =~ m[#/(?:[^~]|~[01])*$]u
272 61 27 0 $override // $$schema{$state->{'keyword'}}
275 4 0 84 fc $uri->to_unsafe_string ne fc $string or $string =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/u
4 2 82 fc $uri->to_unsafe_string ne fc $string or $string =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/u or not $uri->is_abs
2 0 82 fc $uri->to_unsafe_string ne fc $string or $string =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/u or not $uri->is_abs or $string =~ /#/u and not $string =~ /#$/u and not $string =~ /#[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*$/u and not $string =~ m[#/(?:[^~]|~[01])*$]u