Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 24 79.1

line true false branch
11 1 6 if $INC{'Cpanel/JSON/'}
12 0 6 if $INC{'JSON/'}
16 2 4 if eval { do { require Cpanel::JSON::XS; 1 } }
19 0 4 if eval { do { require JSON::XS; 1 } }
22 3 1 if eval { do { require JSON::PP; 1 } }
45 1 4 @_ == 1 ? :
54 0 9 if $_[1]
56 6 3 if &Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0])
66 1 1 if (ref($_[0]) =~ /^JSON/ or $_[0] =~ /^JSON/)
71 0 1 if (@_ == 2 and ref $_[1] eq 'HASH')
82 1 1 if (ref($_[0]) =~ /^JSON/ or @_ > 2 and $_[0] =~ /^JSON/)
90 0 1 if (@_ == 2 and ref $_[1] eq 'HASH')