Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 50 74.0

line true false branch
24 1 153 if $self->{'debug'}
49 0 22 if ($apphdr and ref $apphdr)
53 6 16 if (defined $data)
55 1 1 wantarray ? :
2 4 unless defined $json
64 14 6 if ($res->is_success) { }
0 6 elsif ($res->code == 304) { }
70 0 0 wantarray ? :
77 0 6 if ($res->header('client-warning') =~ /internal response/i)
78 0 0 wantarray ? :
81 18 2 $res->content ? :
85 10 10 wantarray ? :
97 8 0 unless (eval { do { $json = &to_json($obj); $self->_debug("JSON created: $json") } })
98 3 5 if ($@)
117 20 0 unless (eval { do { $obj = &from_json($json); $self->_debug('Deserializing successful:', Dumper($obj)) } })
118 3 17 if ($@)
131 1 31 unless $base_url
147 1 30 $base_url =~ m[^https://] ? :
148 27 4 unless $server =~ /:\d+$/
150 3 1 if $ua_opts{'realm'} and $ua_opts{'user'} and $ua_opts{'pass'}
158 2 10 if ($data)
205 0 0 unless $self->{'response'}
207 0 0 unless ($name)
216 4 1 !$self->was_success ? :
222 5 2 $self->{'has_error'} ? :