Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 55 126 43.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
87 0 0 0 not $message and $$args{'type'}
238 0 0 4 $args{'th'} and exists $args{'th'}{$header}
294 1 0 2 exists $args{'head'} and not $args{'head'}
310 1 0 0 exists $args{'head'} and not $args{'head'}
317 0 0 2 $args{'collapsibles'} and @{$args{'collapsibles'};}
319 2 0 2 $args{'active'} and not exists $$collapsible{'active'}
341 0 0 2 $args{'active'} and not exists $args{'listview'}{'active'}
347 0 1 1 not exists $args{'collapsed'} and $args{'content'} =~ /ui-btn-active/
367 2 0 2 $args{'anchor'} and %{$args{'anchor'};}
373 3 0 1 $args{'split_anchor'} and %{$args{'split_anchor'};}
485 6 1 0 exists $args{'role'} and $args{'role'} eq 'none'
491 5 0 2 $args{'type'} and $args{'type'} =~ /^(button|submit|reset)$/
513 2 3 5 $$field{'type'} and $$field{'type'} =~ /^(select|radio|checkbox|textarea|rangeslider)$/
639 0 0 0 $sort_options and $sort_options eq 'key'
734 1 0 0 $sort_options and $sort_options eq 'key'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
17 1 0 $args{'config'} ||= {}
97 0 0 $message ||= 'Enter "%FIELDNAME%"'
144 0 0 $$self{'config'}{'app-title'} || 'Header Content'
156 2 0 $args{'content'} ||= '

Footer Content

216 1 0 $args{'content'} ||= '

Panel Content

264 1 0 $args{'content'} ||= '

Popup Content

280 3 0 $args{'content'} ||= '

Page Content

281 0 3 $args{'role'} ||= 'page'
308 1 0 $pages ||= '

Multiple Pages

327 0 0 $args{'content'} ||= '

Collapsible Set Content

345 2 0 $args{'title'} ||= 'Title'
350 2 0 $args{'content'} ||= '

Collapsible Title

Collapsible Content

504 1 0 $args{'method'} ||= 'post'
565 0 1 $args{'container_role'} ||= 'fieldcontain'
577 5 2 $args{'type'} ||= 'text'
596 0 5 $args{'container_role'} ||= 'fieldcontain'
607 0 1 $args{'cols'} ||= 40
608 0 1 $args{'rows'} ||= 8
614 0 1 $args{'container_role'} ||= 'fieldcontain'
626 0 0 $args{'native-menu'} ||= 'false'
701 0 1 $args{'container_role'} ||= 'fieldcontain'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
144 5 0 0 $args{'content'} ||= '

' . ($$self{'config'}{'app-title'} || 'Header Content') . '

294 2 0 1 exists $args{'head'} and not $args{'head'} or not $$self{'config'}{'head'}
310 0 0 1 exists $args{'head'} and not $args{'head'} or not $$self{'config'}{'head'}
451 3 0 0 $$item{'split_value'} || $args{'split_value'}
578 0 7 0 $args{'id'} ||= $args{'name'}
579 2 5 0 $args{'label'} ||= _label($args{'name'})
604 0 1 0 $args{'id'} ||= $args{'name'}
605 0 1 0 $args{'label'} ||= _label($args{'name'})
622 0 1 0 $args{'id'} ||= $args{'name'}
623 1 0 0 $args{'label'} ||= _label($args{'name'})
723 0 2 0 $args{'id'} ||= $args{'name'}
724 0 2 0 $args{'label'} ||= _label($args{'name'})
800 0 2 0 $$controlgroup{'content'} ||= ' ' . $$self{'config'}{'label'}(\%args) . ':' . $options . $invalid