Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 30 83.3

line true false branch
33 0 19012 unless defined blessed($global)
37 0 19012 if (defined blessed($val) and $val->can('to_string')) { }
51 47692 1 defined $_[2] ? :
59 13 377 if ($_[0] eq 'length')
60 12 1 defined $$self[0] ? :
86 7578 22194 defined $_[0][1] ? :
91 40863 238 defined $_[0][0] ? :
103 59 71 length defined $_[0][0] ? :
113 238 606 unless defined $value
114 482 3 defined $1 ? :
6 353 $value =~ /^$s 0[Xx] ([A-Fa-f0-9]+) $s\z/ox ? :
485 359 $value =~ /^$s ( [+-]? (?: (?=[0-9]|\.[0-9]) [0-9]* (?:\.[0-9]*)? (?:[Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)? | Infinity ) $s )? \z /ox ? :
137 1 0 if tainted($$self[0]) or tainted($$self[1])
139 0 0 defined $$alter_ego[0] ? :
148 10 21 if ($ord1 = ord substr($ret, $n, 1)) >= 55296 and $ord1 <= 56319 and ($ord2 = ord substr($ret, $n + 1, 1)) >= 56320 and $ord2 <= 57343