Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 49 69.3

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
48 0 0 $_ eq $name && ++$in_list && (goto END_GREP)

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
381 443 0 12 defined($tmp = &str) and $tmp =~ s/^s//
395 58 0 6 defined($tmp = &str) and $tmp =~ s/^s//
1532 255 12 119 defined blessed($src) && $src->isa('JE::String')
1597 35 11 340 $rule eq 'program' and not $_parser
46 340 0 $rule eq 'program' and not $_parser and ($ENV{'YES_I_WANT_JE_TO_OPTIMISE'} || '') eq 2

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1597 0 340 $ENV{'YES_I_WANT_JE_TO_OPTIMISE'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
321 9820 21524 10222 defined($tmp = &str) or defined($tmp = &num)
381 97 0 455 $tmp = &ident or defined($tmp = &str) and $tmp =~ s/^s//
12 16 427 $tmp = &ident or defined($tmp = &str) and $tmp =~ s/^s// or defined($tmp = &num)
395 37 0 64 $tmp = ident or defined($tmp = &str) and $tmp =~ s/^s//
6 57 1 $tmp = ident or defined($tmp = &str) and $tmp =~ s/^s// or defined($tmp = &num)
463 1007 0 0 &new_expr || &term || expected(q[identifier, literal, 'new' or '('])
477 999 52228 8542 &new_expr || &term
757 304 0 0 @ret != push(@ret, &assign) or expected('expression')
766 56 0 0 @ret != push(@ret, &assign_noin) or expected('expression')
1604 0 359 2 not defined pos $_ or pos $_ == length $_