Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 93 104 89.4

line true false branch
5 0 189 if $@
139 9 19507 if (defined blessed($value) and $value->can('to_object'))
148 10961 8546 if ref $value eq 'HASH'
151 19504 3 if (not defined $value or not defined eval { do { $value->value } } and $@ eq '') { }
3 0 elsif (ref $value eq 'HASH') { }
152 10958 8546 exists $opts{'prototype'} ? :
169 0 19507 if $JE::Destroyer
193 707 0 @_ ? :
199 707 0 if @_
225 24 0 @_ ? :
231 24 0 if @_
311 34195 130226 if (ref $opts eq 'HASH') { }
314 17711 50679 if exists $$opts{$_}
321 27331 6864 if (exists $$opts{'dontenum'}) { }
6496 368 elsif (not exists $$props{$name}) { }
322 27331 0 if ($$opts{'dontenum'}) { }
328 0 0 unless first sub { $_ eq $name; } , @{$$guts{'keys'};}
335 111 34084 if (exists $$opts{'fetch'})
337 111 0 unless exists $$props{$name}
339 104 34091 if (exists $$opts{'store'})
341 4 100 unless exists $$props{$name}
343 31469 2726 if (exists $$opts{'value'}) { }
2070 766 elsif (not exists $$opts{'fetch'} and exists $$opts{'autoload'}) { }
348 1 2069 ref $auto eq 'CODE' ? :
357 543 3 exists $$props{$name} ? :
110 546 exists $$opts{'fetch'} ? :
364 23508 106718 if (@_) { }
99141 7577 elsif (exists $$props{$name}) { }
367 122 23386 if $self->is_readonly($name)
374 29 23357 exists $$guts{'store_handler'}{$name} ? :
379 2101 21285 unless $exists
385 68 99073 if (exists $$guts{'fetch_handler'}{$name})
392 2 99071 ref $val eq 'CODE' ? :
402 6204 1373 $proto ? :
423 21461 5163 if (exists $$props{$name})
425 127 21334 exists $$read_only_list{$name} ? :
429 3098 2065 if (my $proto = $self->prototype)
451 154 101 defined $proto ? :
476 176 115 unless ($_[2])
478 146 30 if exists $$dontdel_list{$name} and $$dontdel_list{$name}
546 475 15373 @_ > 1 ? :
556 325 662 if defined $hint and $hint eq 'string'
560 12 1315 unless defined($method = $self->prop($_))
561 336 973 unless ($prim = $method->apply($self))->primitive
668 22 2 defined $_[0] ? :
689 2 13 if not defined $obj or $obj->primitive
697 12 1 if $proto->id eq $id
716 220 2 defined $_[0] ? :
740 761 132 unless $$guts{'tie'}
749 3 732 if (ref $val eq 'HASH' and not blessed $val and not %$val and svref_2object($val)->REFCNT == 2) { }
3 729 elsif (ref $val eq 'ARRAY' and not blessed $val and not @$val and svref_2object($val)->REFCNT == 2) { }
774 29 29 if ($last eq $keys[$_])