Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 22 40.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
137 2 0 0 defined $o->{'ILSM'}{'XS'}{'BOOT'} and $o->{'ILSM'}{'XS'}{'BOOT'}
152 2 0 0 defined $o->{'ILSM'}{'BLESS'} and $o->{'ILSM'}{'BLESS'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
30 0 2 $o->{'ILSM'} ||= {}
31 0 2 $o->{'ILSM'}{'XS'} ||= {}
34 0 2 $o->{'ILSM'}{'MAKEFILE'} ||= {}
39 0 2 $o->{'ILSM'}{'AUTO_INCLUDE'} ||= ' '
195 0 2 $o->{'API'}{'version'} || '0.00'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
43 0 1 0 $key eq 'INTERNAL' or $key eq 'PACKAGE'
1 0 0 $key eq 'INTERNAL' or $key eq 'PACKAGE' or $key eq 'BLESS'