Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 86 4.6

line true false branch
30 0 1 if ($program eq 'Makefile.PL' and not -e 'INLINE.h') { }
0 1 elsif ($program eq 'Build.PL') { }
41 1 0 unless @_
44 0 0 if $cmd eq 'stub'
46 0 0 if $cmd eq 'makestub'
48 0 0 if $cmd eq 'distdir'
50 0 0 if $cmd eq 'fixblib'
54 0 0 if $cmd eq 'autostub'
63 0 0 if ($api_version ne $API_VERSION)
82 0 0 unless my $first = $INC[0]
83 0 0 if (not $first =~ m(^(\.[/\\])?inc[/\\]?$))
99 0 0 unless defined $lang
101 0 0 unless -d $inline_build_path
104 0 0 $lang eq 'C' ? :
123 0 0 unless my $meta = $args{'inline'}
125 0 0 unless $$meta{'module'}
135 0 0 if ($$meta{'makestub'} and not -e 'inc' and not -e 'INLINE.h')
176 0 0 if ($arg =~ /::/) { }
206 0 0 unless -d 'blib'
210 0 0 unless -f $_
211 0 0 if (m[^($inline_build_path/lib/auto/.*)\.$ext$])
213 0 0 unless $blib_ext =~ s[^$inline_build_path/lib][blib/arch]
215 0 0 unless $blib_ext_dir =~ s[(.*)/.*][$1]
229 0 0 unless defined $$meta{'module'}
231 0 0 unless ref $$meta{'module'}
233 0 0 unless ref $$meta{'stub'}
235 0 0 unless ref $$meta{'ilsm'}
236 0 0 unless defined $$meta{'bundle'}
241 0 0 unless $$meta{'bundle'}
249 0 0 if (caller eq 'Module::Build::InlineModule')
252 0 0 if (grep /:C$/, @$ilsm)
256 0 0 if (grep /:CPP$/, @$ilsm)
278 0 0 unless -e "lib/$"
283 0 0 $module eq 'Inline::CPP::Config' ? :
302 0 0 if ($path)
310 0 0 unless eval "require $module; 1"
364 0 0 unless open IN, '<', $filepath
384 0 0 if $onchange and -e $filepath and $class->read_file($filepath) eq $code
389 0 0 unless open OUT, '>', $filepath
401 0 0 if (-w $manifest)
402 0 0 unless open my $out, '>>', $manifest
423 0 0 if -f $_