Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 71 80 88.7

line true false branch
30 4 11 if not defined $x or length $line > $x
32 239 665 if substr($line, $i, 1) ne ' '
58 24 18 if defined $p->{$x}{$y}
74 4 2 if ($x == $x1 || $x == $x2 and $y == $y1 || $y == $y2)
83 4 1 if $ignore{$invertedPartition}
135 13 244 if defined $p and $p == 0
151 2126 10990 if $i->image->{$x}{$y} == $p
154 176 10746 if (exists $I->{$𝘅} and exists $I->{$𝘅}{$y} and $I->{$𝘅}{$y} == $p or exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝘆} and $I->{$x}{$𝘆} == $p or exists $I->{$𝕩} and exists $I->{$𝕩}{$y} and $I->{$𝕩}{$y} == $p or exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝕪} and $I->{$x}{$𝕪} == $p)
162 12 232 if not defined $x1 or $x1 > $x
163 62 182 if not defined $x2 or $x2 < $x
164 24 220 if not defined $y1 or $y1 > $y
165 37 207 if not defined $y2 or $y2 < $y
169 13 53 unless $changed
172 4 9 if ($pixelsInPartition <= $small) { }
175 4 946 if $i->image->{$x}{$y} == $p
176 4 946 unless keys %{$i->image->{$x};}
198 20 4 if exists $p->{$x}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$x}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$y} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$𝕩}{$y} and exists $p->{$𝕩}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝕩}{$𝕪}
204 20 221 unless $p->{$x}{$y}
226 0 4 unless $start
227 0 4 unless $end
235 0 271378 unless @loop == @search
237 133751 137627 if (not @$search) { }
244 0 137627 if $visited{$x}{$y}
245 1940 135687 if ($x == $X and $y == $Y) { }
246 19 1921 if not @longestLoop or @loop > @longestLoop
269 82615 53080 if exists $p->{$𝘅}{$y}
270 79462 56233 if exists $p->{$x}{$𝘆}
271 79993 55702 if exists $p->{$x}{$𝕪}
272 82384 53311 if exists $p->{$𝕩}{$y}
290 1712 2369 unless $i->partitions->{$partition}{$x + $step * $dx}{$y + $step * $dy}
318 192 0 if $y < $Y and $x < $X
332 21 3 $_ > 9 ? :
216 24 substr($_, -1) ? :
342 41 4 if $_ >= $y1
362 214 0 if $y < $Y and $x < $X
372 7 1 $_ > 9 ? :
72 8 substr($_, -1) ? :
912 0 1 if eval "eof(${p}::DATA)"
914 0 1 if $@
916 0 1 if $@