Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 29 113 25.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1562 1 0 1 @part >= 5 and $mon = $monthNum{ucfirst lc $part[1]}
1615 0 0 2 $val[2] and $val[3]
1618 2 0 0 $rat > "1.9" and $rat < "3.1"
1645 0 0 0 defined $val[0] and defined $val[1]
1740 0 0 13 defined $charset and $charset eq 0
1757 29 0 5 $tag eq "LIST" and $len >= 4
1780 7 0 3 $format and $format eq "string"
1999 0 0 0 $buff =~ /^(LA0[234]|OFR |LPAC|wvpk)/ and $raf->Read($buf2, 1024)
2002 0 0 0 $buff =~ /WAVE(.{4})?fmt /gs and $raf->Seek(pos($buff) - 4, 0)
2007 7 0 0 $rf64 and $et->{'VALUE'}{'FileType'}
2022 7 0 0 $validate and $pos != $riffEnd
2028 28 0 4 $tag eq "VP8X" and $type eq "WEBP"
2030 21 1 0 $tag eq "data" and $len == 4294967295
22 0 0 $tag eq "data" and $len == 4294967295 and $et->{'DataSize64'}
2052 29 0 0 $et->Options("FastScan") and $tag eq 'data' || $tag eq 'idx1' || $tag eq 'LIST_movi' && !$ee
2061 29 0 0 $ee and $tag =~ /^(\d{2})tx$/
2068 0 0 0 $verbose || $unknown and not $tag =~ /^(data|idx1|LIST_movi|RIFF|\d{2}(db|dc|wb))$/
2070 29 0 0 $md5 and $isImageData{$tag}
2075 0 4 25 $tagInfo and ref $tagInfo eq "HASH"
4 25 0 $tagInfo and ref $tagInfo eq "HASH" and $tagInfo->{'SetGroups'}
2078 29 0 0 not $tagInfo and $verbose || $unknown
2092 0 0 0 $validate and $pos - 8 != $riffEnd
2103 0 0 0 $md5 and $isImageData{$tag}
2107 0 0 0 $tag eq "LIST_movi" and $ee
2111 0 0 0 $len > 2147483647 and not $et->Options("LargeFileSupport")
2115 0 0 0 $validate and $len2
2117 0 0 0 $raf->Seek($len2 - 1, 1) and $raf->Read($buff, 1) == 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1672 0 0 $subdir->{'Start'} || 0
1683 0 0 $dirInfo->{'Base'} || 0
1734 13 0 $dirInfo->{'Base'} || 0
2062 0 0 $et->{'RIFFStreamCodec'}[$1] || 'Unknown'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1765 0 0 6 $verbose or $unknown
1779 0 3 7 $tagInfo->{'Format'} || $tagTbl->{'FORMAT'}
1936 0 0 0 not $$dataPt =~ /\$(GC|GA),(\d+)/ or $1 ne $time
2052 0 0 0 $tag eq 'data' || $tag eq 'idx1' || $tag eq 'LIST_movi' && !$ee
2068 0 0 0 $verbose || $unknown
29 0 0 $tagInfo or $verbose || $unknown and not $tag =~ /^(data|idx1|LIST_movi|RIFF|\d{2}(db|dc|wb))$/
2078 0 0 0 $verbose || $unknown
2108 0 0 0 $raf->Seek($rewind, 0) or $err = 1, last