Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 238 6.3

line true false branch
10407 40505 13070 unless $a =~ /\./ and $b =~ /\./
10463 0 0 if ($len >= 26)
10465 0 0 if ($count > 256)
10469 0 0 if ($count and $count < 256)
10471 0 0 if ($format >= 1 and $format <= 10)
10487 0 0 unless length $1 > 32
10489 0 0 unless $tagTablePtr->{$tag}
10493 0 0 unless $tag =~ /:$/ and $val =~ /\b$tag\s*([^\s;,:]+)/
10507 0 0 unless length $val == 90
10514 0 0 unless length $val == 110
10527 0 0 unless length $val == 8
10538 0 4 unless @a == 6
10572 0 0 if (@a == 2) { }
0 0 elsif (@a >= 6) { }
10578 0 0 if ($sf != 0 and $sa != 0 and $lf == 0 || $lf >= $sf and $la == 0 || $la >= $sa)
10580 0 0 if $lf != $sf and $lf != 0
10581 0 0 if $sa != $la and $la != 0
10585 0 0 if (defined $rtnVal) { }
10590 0 0 unless $bits or $feature->[1]{$bits}
10593 0 0 $feature->[2] ? :
0 0 $rtnVal ? :
10604 0 14 if $val =~ /Unknown \((.*)\)/i
10607 6 8 if ($features) { }
4 4 elsif ($sf) { }
10611 0 4 if $lf == $sf
10612 0 4 if $la == $sa
10623 4 146 if $val =~ /\b$name\b/i
10636 0 0 unless $et
10641 0 0 $isWriting ? :
10642 0 0 if $dirLen < 4
10647 0 0 if ($dirLen < 4 + $num * 4)
10651 0 0 if ($num > 50)
10656 0 0 unless $isWriting
10658 0 0 if ($len > $dirLen)
10669 0 0 if ($offset[-1] > $len and $offset[-1] <= $dirLen)
10682 0 0 if $size > $len - $offset
10688 0 0 unless defined $blockSize{$offset}
10691 0 0 $isWriting ? :
10695 0 0 if $offset[$i] > $dirLen
10697 0 0 if ($isWriting)
10700 0 0 unless ref $tagInfo eq "HASH" and $tagInfo->{'SubDirectory'}
10703 0 0 unless $size
10714 0 0 if defined $val
10718 0 0 if (not defined $tagTablePtr->{$tag} and $unknown > 1)
10754 0 1 unless $raf->Read($buff, 128) == 128
10756 0 1 unless $buff =~ /^.{8}\0{3}\x7c.{112}\xff\xd8\xff\xdb$/s
10784 0 0 unless $et->{'Model'} eq "DSLR-A100" and length $$valPt == 4
10810 0 0 if $dataLen < 2
10812 0 0 if $dataLen < 2 + 12 * $n
10819 0 0 if ($entry{'50740'} and $et->{'MRWDirData'})
10820 0 0 unless $et->{'Model'} eq "DSLR-A100"
10821 0 0 unless $entry{'330'} and $et->{'A100DataOffset'}
10824 0 0 if (ref $imageData)
10832 0 0 if $remain
10837 0 0 if $remain
10844 0 0 if ($entry{'513'} and $et->{'A100PreviewStart'} and $entry{'514'} and $et->{'A100PreviewLength'})
10853 0 0 unless &Write($outfile, $header, $$dataPt)
10855 0 0 if (ref $imageData)
10856 0 0 unless $et->CopyImageData($imageData, $outfile)
10859 0 0 if ($et->{'MRWDirData'})
10860 0 0 if $pad
10864 0 0 if $dataOffset
10907 0 0 if ($encipher) { }
10936 0 0 if ($et->{'DoubleCipher'})
10940 0 0 if ($et->Options("Verbose") > 2)
10942 0 0 $et->{'DoubleCipher'} ? :
10959 1346 0 unless $et
10967 0 0 if ($et->{'DoubleCipher'})
10979 0 0 if ($changed == $et->{'CHANGED'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $data) { }
10998 0 0 if $end < 2
11007 0 0 if $tag == 0
11009 0 0 if ($tag == 1550) { }
11013 0 0 if $tag == 33536
11015 0 0 if $pos + $len > $end
11042 0 0 if ($ifd == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($ifd == 6) { }
11052 0 0 unless $success
11058 0 0 if $dirEnd + 4 > length $$dataPt
11060 0 0 unless $nextIFD
11068 0 0 if ($ifd == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($ifd == 2) { }
11071 0 0 if $cp + 1 > length $$dataPt
11073 0 0 if $ip + 4 > length $$dataPt
11084 0 0 if defined $key
11085 0 0 unless $verbose > 2
11103 0 0 unless $et
11130 0 0 if ($dataLen < 4 and $raf)
11132 0 0 if ($raf->Seek($pos, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, 4) == 4)
11141 0 0 if ($dataPt and $$dataPt =~ /^\0MR[IM]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($et->{'A100DataOffset'}) { }
11144 0 0 if ($dataOffset) { }
11150 0 0 unless $raf
11151 0 0 unless ($err)
11154 0 0 unless ($srfLen > 0 and $raf->Read($buff, $srfLen) == $srfLen)
11158 0 0 if ($err)
11159 0 0 if $outfile
11165 0 0 if ($outfile) { }
11168 0 0 $et->{'MRWDirData'} ? :
11170 0 0 if (not $outfile and $et->{'HTML_DUMP'})
11177 0 0 if $outfile
11183 0 0 if ($outfile) { }
11185 0 0 unless $result
11191 0 0 unless $result and $et->{'SR2SubIFDOffset'}
11198 0 0 if ($offset and $length and defined $key)
11201 0 0 if ($raf and $raf->Seek($offset + $base, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, $length) == $length or $offset - $dataPos >= 0 and $offset - $dataPos + $length < $dataLen and $buff = substr($$dataPt, $offset - $dataPos, $length)) { }
11209 0 0 if ($verbose > 2 and not $outfile)
11225 0 0 if ($outfile) { }
11229 0 0 unless $result
11239 0 0 unless @offsets
11248 0 0 if ($outfile and @subifdPos)
11251 0 0 if ($sr2Len & 3)
11259 0 0 if defined $newKey
11267 0 0 unless $tagID == 29184 or $tagID == 29185
11270 0 0 if ($fmt != 4)
11274 0 0 if ($tagID == 29185)
11279 0 0 @subifdPos < 2 ? :
11288 0 0 unless ($found{'29184'} and $found{'29185'})
11293 0 0 $outfile ? :