Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 40 89 44.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
814 0 0 0 $raf->Read($buff, 56) == 56 and $buff =~ /^ITSF.{20}\x10\xfd\x01\x7c\xaa\x7b\xd0\x11\x9e\x0c\0\xa0\xc9\x22\xe6\xec/s
870 1 0 1 $string eq "StringFileInfo" and $valLen == 0
945 0 0 3 $raf->Seek($dirStart, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, 16) == 16
966 0 0 1 $dirInfo->{'ResType'} eq "Version" and $level == 2
0 0 1 $dirInfo->{'ResType'} eq "Version" and $level == 2 and not $dirInfo->{'GotVersion'}
977 0 0 1 $raf->Seek($entryPos + $base, 0) and $raf->Read($buf2, 16) == 16
984 0 4 1 $off >= $section->{'VirtualAddress'} and $off < $section->{'VirtualAddress'} + $section->{'Size'}
989 0 0 1 $raf->Seek($filePos, 0) and $raf->Read($buf2, $len) == $len
1023 4 0 1 $name eq ".rsrc\0\0\0" and not $rsrcFound
4 0 1 $name eq ".rsrc\0\0\0" and not $rsrcFound and defined($rsrcFound = 1)
3 0 1 $name eq ".text\0\0\0" and not %dirInfo
1117 6 0 0 $et->{'OPTIONS'}{'FastScan'} && $et->{'OPTIONS'}{'FastScan'} == 3
1121 5 0 1 $buff =~ /^MZ/ and $size == 64
3 0 2 $buff =~ /^(\xca\xfe\xba\xbe|\xfe\xed\xfa(\xce|\xcf)|(\xce|\xcf)\xfa\xed\xfe)/ and $size > 12
3 0 0 $buff =~ /^Joy!peff/ and $size > 12
1 0 2 $buff =~ /^\x7fELF/ and $size >= 16
1153 0 0 1 $raf->Seek($lfanew, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, 64)
0 0 1 $raf->Seek($lfanew, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, 64) and $buff =~ /^(NE|PE|LE)/
1266 0 0 0 $raf->Seek($offset, 0) and $raf->Read($buf2, 16) == 16
1341 0 0 2 $raf->Seek($pos, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, 60) == 60
1372 0 0 0 $prog eq "env" and $buff =~ /\b(perl|python|ruby|php)\b/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
939 2 1 $dirInfo->{'Level'} || 0
1034 1 0 &ProcessPEResources($et, \%dirInfo) or return 0
1175 1 0 $Image::ExifTool::EXE::Main{'0'}{'PrintConv'}{$mach} || ''
1327 2 0 $et->{'VALUE'}{'ObjectFileType'} or 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
863 3 0 0 $len or $valLen
866 2 1 0 $index or $string eq "VS_VERSION_INFO"
957 1 0 0 $resourceType{$name} || sprintf('Unknown (0x%x)', $name)
1023 1 1 3 $name eq ".rsrc\0\0\0" and not $rsrcFound and defined($rsrcFound = 1) or $name eq ".text\0\0\0" and not %dirInfo
1189 0 1 0 $magic == 263 or $magic == 267
1 0 0 $magic == 263 or $magic == 267 or $magic == 523