Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 42 59.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
136 3 5 0 $self->{'ipver'} eq '4' and not $arg =~ /\A(filter|nat|mangle|raw)\z/i
137 5 3 0 $self->{'ipver'} eq '6' and not $arg =~ /\A(filter|mangle|raw)\z/i
181 9 1 1 $self->{'ipver'} eq '6' and $arg eq 'icmp'
185 1 8 1 $self->{'ipver'} eq '4' and $arg eq 'icmpv6'
417 6 0 0 defined $self->{'spt'} and not $self->{'proto'} =~ /\A(tcp|udp)\z/i
421 5 1 0 defined $self->{'dpt'} and not $self->{'proto'} =~ /\A(tcp|udp)\z/i
426 6 0 0 defined $self->{'logprefix'} and not $self->{'target'} =~ /\Alog\z/i
467 4 0 0 defined $self->{'icmp_type'} and not $self->{'proto'} =~ /\Aicmp(v6)?\z/i

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
224 6 4 7 __is_valid_inet_host($arg) or __is_valid_inet_cidr($arg)
10 0 7 __is_valid_inet_host($arg) or __is_valid_inet_cidr($arg) or __is_valid_inet_range($arg)
246 6 3 7 __is_valid_inet_host($arg) or __is_valid_inet_cidr($arg)
9 0 7 __is_valid_inet_host($arg) or __is_valid_inet_cidr($arg) or __is_valid_inet_range($arg)
482 0 0 0 __is_valid_inet_host($self->{'src'}) or __is_valid_inet_cidr($self->{'src'})
490 0 0 0 __is_valid_inet_host($self->{'dst'}) or __is_valid_inet_cidr($self->{'dst'})