Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 46 0.0

line true false branch
49 0 0 if (ref $params[0] and 'CODE' eq ref $params[0])
68 0 0 unless ($config->{'which'})
76 0 0 if (my $pid = fork)
85 0 0 unless $job->spawn($config->{'which'}, $config->{'command'}, {'stdout', $writer, 'stderr', $writer})
90 0 0 unless ($result)
92 0 0 if (exists $status->{'exitcode'} and 293 == $status->{'exitcode'})
103 0 0 if (ref $params[0] and 'SCALAR' eq ref $params[0])
121 0 0 unless socketpair $reader, $writer, 1, 1, 0
122 0 0 unless shutdown $reader, 1
123 0 0 unless shutdown $writer, 0
125 0 0 if (my $pid = fork)
130 0 0 unless close STDERR
131 0 0 unless close STDOUT
132 0 0 unless open *STDOUT, '>>&=', $writer
133 0 0 unless open *STDERR, '>>&=', $writer
155 0 0 unless exists $IPC::Run::Fused::Win32::DOS_SPECIAL_CHARS->{$char}
182 0 0 if (not $inquote and '"' eq $char)
187 0 0 if ($inquote and '"' eq $char)
192 0 0 if (exists $IPC::Run::Fused::Win32::DOS_REV_CHARS->{$dchar})
198 0 0 if (' ' eq $char and not $inquote)
199 0 0 unless (length $first)
205 0 0 if (' ' eq $char and $inquote)
213 0 0 if ($inquote)