blib/lib/IPC/ | |||
Criterion | Covered | Total | % |
condition | 164 | 284 | 57.7 |
line | l | !l | condition |
1070 | 0 | 0 | $@ and die |
line | !l | l&&!r | l&&r | condition |
1128 | 2087 | 0 | 0 | &_debugging() and not defined $IPC::Run::cur_self->{'DEBUG_FD'} |
1164 | 159 | 0 | 1191 | "File::Spec"->file_name_is_absolute($cmd_name) and -x $cmd_name |
1177 | 154 | 0 | 5 | &Win32_MODE() and $cmd_name =~ /$dirsep/ |
154 | 0 | 5 | &Win32_MODE() and $cmd_name =~ /$dirsep/ and not $cmd_name =~ m[\.[^\\/\.]+$] | |
1184 | 7 | 0 | 5 | -f $name and -x _ |
1223 | 480 | 0 | 0 | &Win32_MODE() && !(-f $prospect && -x _) |
1227 | 420 | 0 | 60 | -f $found and -x _ |
1270 | 171 | 992 | 5698 | defined $_[0] && length $_[0] |
1303 | 0 | 0 | 0 | &_debugging_details() and not defined $r |
1306 | 0 | 0 | 0 | &_debugging_details() and not defined $r |
1327 | 0 | 0 | 200 | defined $_[0] and defined $_[1] |
1363 | 0 | 0 | 228 | defined $_[0] and defined $_[1] |
1475 | 0 | 0 | 0 | keys %{$$self{"PTYS"};} and $IO::Pty::VERSION < "0.9" |
1482 | 0 | 0 | 394 | defined $_[0] and defined $_[1] |
1590 | 0 | 0 | 15 | $_->{'PID'} && !defined($_->{'RESULT'}) |
1594 | 0 | 0 | 0 | &_debugging() and _debug("$! sending $signal to $_->{'PID'}") |
1736 | 104 | 1590 | 0 | @_ and ref $_[-1] eq "HASH" |
1746 | 1585 | 16 | 93 | @_ == 1 and not ref $_[0] |
120 | 1392 | 89 | @_ > 1 and not grep(ref($_), @_) | |
1800 | 3864 | 1050 | 148 | not $cur_kid and ref $_ eq "CODE" |
0 | 0 | 1163 | $succinct and $first_parse | |
1804 | 1608 | 0 | 0 | &Win32_MODE() and ref $_ eq "CODE" |
1895 | 31 | 279 | 22 | @args > 1 and ref $args[1] && !UNIVERSAL::isa($args[1], 'IPC::Run::Timer') || UNIVERSAL::isa($args[0], 'IPC::Run::binmode_pseudo_filter') |
1909 | 749 | 0 | 0 | &_debugging_details() and @filters |
1916 | 717 | 28 | 56 | ref $source eq 'GLOB' || UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'IO::Handle') and not $type =~ /^
1966 | 539 | 353 | 22 | @args > 1 and ref $args[1] && !UNIVERSAL::isa($args[1], 'IPC::Run::Timer') || UNIVERSAL::isa($args[0], 'IPC::Run::binmode_pseudo_filter') |
1977 | 0 | 1537 | 2 | @args and ref $args[0] eq "IPC::Run::Undef" |
1987 | 1539 | 0 | 0 | &_debugging_details() and @filters |
2004 | 1600 | 52 | 54 | UNIVERSAL::isa($dest, 'GLOB') || UNIVERSAL::isa($dest, 'IO::Handle') and not $type =~ /^>(pty>|pipe)$/ |
2453 | 0 | 0 | 0 | $@ =~ /input or output/ and $^O =~ /aix/ |
0 | 0 | 0 | &Win32_MODE() and $@ =~ /Bad file descriptor/ | |
2504 | 0 | 6 | 394 | length $$in_ref and $$in_ref |
2532 | 200 | 0 | 0 | defined $self->{'DEBUG_FD'} and $self->{'DEBUG_FD'} == $fd2 |
2787 | 0 | 1552 | 0 | @_ and ref $_[-1] eq "HASH" |
2794 | 1420 | 109 | 23 | @_ == 1 and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "IPC::Run") |
2815 | 1475 | 0 | 0 | &Win32_MODE() and $IPC::Run::in_run |
2862 | 0 | 0 | 0 | $kid->{'PATH'} and &_debugging() |
2900 | 2132 | 0 | 0 | &Win32_MODE() && $_->{'RECV_THROUGH_TEMP_FILE'} |
243 | 105 | 2132 | defined $_->{'TFD'} and not $_->{'DONT_CLOSE'} | |
348 | 0 | 2132 | defined $_->{'TFD'} and not $_->{'DONT_CLOSE'} and not $closed[$_->{'TFD'}] | |
2980 | 1865 | 11 | 1308 | defined $_->{'FD'} && ($_->{'TYPE'} ne $file->{'TYPE'} || $_->{'FD'} ne $doomed) |
2994 | 2799 | 1368 | 204 | $io_occurred and $self->{'break_on_io'} |
3009 | 0 | 173 | 0 | defined $time_left and not $time_left |
3021 | 6067 | 0 | 921 | $file->{'PAUSED'} and $file->{'TYPE'} =~ /^ |
3026 | 49 | 872 | 0 | defined $file->{'FD'} and not defined $did |
3050 | 0 | 0 | 0 | not $out and vec $self->{'PIN'}, $_, 1 |
3064 | 0 | 4002 | 72 | $p != 0 and !defined($timeout) || $timeout > 0.1 |
3122 | 2571 | 803 | 700 | not $nfound and $self->{'non_blocking'} |
3236 | 82 | 0 | 0 | defined $op->{'TFD'} and not defined $op->{'TEMP_FILE_HANDLE'} |
3313 | 0 | 0 | 913 | @_ == 1 and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "IPC::Run") |
3416 | 0 | 2587 | 3993 | defined $_->{'PID'} && !defined($_->{'RESULT'}) |
3525 | 1309 | 0 | 0 | @_ && ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' |
3584 | 0 | 0 | 0 | $which >= 0 and $which <= $#{$$self{"KIDS"};} |
3786 | 35 | 21 | 0 | &input_avail() && do { while (1) { if ($$in_ref =~ s/$re//) { $$out_ref .= $1; return 1; }; my $hmm = &get_more_input(); unless (defined $hmm) { $$out_ref = $$in_ref; $$in_ref = ''; return length $$out_ref ? 1 : 0; }; return 0 if $hmm eq 0; } } |
3837 | 7 | 3 | 0 | &input_avail() && do { $$out_ref = join('', $$out_ref, $$in_ref, $suffix); $$in_ref = ''; 1 } |
3904 | 728 | 358 | 0 | &input_avail() && do { $$string_ref .= $$in_ref; $$in_ref = ''; 1 } |
line | l | !l | condition |
1182 | 0 | 5 | $ENV{'PATHEXT'} || '.COM;.BAT;.EXE' |
1214 | 60 | 1 | $ENV{'PATH'} || '' |
1223 | 0 | 0 | $ENV{'PATHEXT'} || '.COM;.BAT;.EXE' |
1313 | 0 | 0 | $r || 0 |
1429 | 3879 | 0 | $r ||= 0 |
1748 | 0 | 0 | $ENV{'ComSpec'} || 'cmd' |
line | l | !l&&r | !l&&!r | condition |
1070 | 0 | 0 | 0 | eval "use IPC::Run::Win32Helper; 1;" or $@ and die |
1428 | 3879 | 0 | 6 | $r or $!{'EINTR'} |
1460 | 0 | 1 | 1337 | not defined $sync_pulse or length $sync_pulse |
1800 | 1460 | 0 | 5062 | ref $_ eq "ARRAY" or UNIVERSAL::isa($_, "IPC::Run::Win32Process") |
1460 | 148 | 4914 | ref $_ eq "ARRAY" or UNIVERSAL::isa($_, "IPC::Run::Win32Process") or not $cur_kid and ref $_ eq "CODE" | |
30 | 7 | 4740 | /^(\d*) ( | |
37 | 778 | 3962 | /^(\d*) ( | |
25 | 0 | 3937 | /^() (>>?) (&) () (.*)$/x or /^() (&) (>pipe) () () $/x | |
25 | 0 | 3937 | /^() (>>?) (&) () (.*)$/x or /^() (&) (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (>pipe)(&) () () $/x | |
0 | 53 | 3884 | /^() (>>?) (&) () (.*)$/x or /^() (&) (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (>pipe)(&) () () $/x or /^(\d*)() (>pipe) () () $/x | |
53 | 0 | 3884 | /^() (>>?) (&) () (.*)$/x or /^() (&) (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (>pipe)(&) () () $/x or /^(\d*)() (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (&) (>pty) ( \w*)> () $/x | |
53 | 9 | 3875 | /^() (>>?) (&) () (.*)$/x or /^() (&) (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (>pipe)(&) () () $/x or /^(\d*)() (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (&) (>pty) ( \w*)> () $/x or /^(\d*)() (>pty) ( \w*)> () $/x | |
9 | 2 | 3873 | /^() (>>?) (&) () (.*)$/x or /^() (&) (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (>pipe)(&) () () $/x or /^(\d*)() (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (&) (>pty) ( \w*)> () $/x or /^(\d*)() (>pty) ( \w*)> () $/x or /^() (&) (>>?) () (.*)$/x | |
11 | 1638 | 2235 | /^() (>>?) (&) () (.*)$/x or /^() (&) (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (>pipe)(&) () () $/x or /^(\d*)() (>pipe) () () $/x or /^() (&) (>pty) ( \w*)> () $/x or /^(\d*)() (>pty) ( \w*)> () $/x or /^() (&) (>>?) () (.*)$/x or /^(\d*)() (>>?) () (.*)$/x | |
1895 | 44 | 11 | 246 | ref $args[1] && !UNIVERSAL::isa($args[1], 'IPC::Run::Timer') || UNIVERSAL::isa($args[0], 'IPC::Run::binmode_pseudo_filter') |
1916 | 57 | 27 | 717 | ref $source eq 'GLOB' || UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'IO::Handle') |
1940 | 0 | 53 | 1653 | $2 eq '>pipe' || $3 eq '>pipe' |
0 | 9 | 1644 | $2 eq '>pty' || $3 eq '>pty' | |
1946 | 0 | 38 | 1668 | $2 eq '>>' || $3 eq '>>' |
1947 | 0 | 9 | 1697 | $2 eq '>pty' || $3 eq '>pty' |
1955 | 20 | 9 | 1677 | $2 eq '&' || $3 eq '&' || !length($1) && substr($type, 0, 4) eq '>pty' |
1966 | 55 | 11 | 309 | ref $args[1] && !UNIVERSAL::isa($args[1], 'IPC::Run::Timer') || UNIVERSAL::isa($args[0], 'IPC::Run::binmode_pseudo_filter') |
2004 | 106 | 0 | 1600 | UNIVERSAL::isa($dest, 'GLOB') || UNIVERSAL::isa($dest, 'IO::Handle') |
2152 | 29 | 27 | 619 | UNIVERSAL::isa($source, "GLOB") or UNIVERSAL::isa($source, "IO::Handle") |
2453 | 6 | 0 | 0 | $@ =~ /$IPC::Run::_EIO/ or $@ =~ /input or output/ and $^O =~ /aix/ |
0 | 0 | 0 | $@ =~ /$IPC::Run::_EIO/ or $@ =~ /input or output/ and $^O =~ /aix/ or &Win32_MODE() and $@ =~ /Bad file descriptor/ | |
2480 | 888 | 982 | 0 | vec $self->{'WOUT'}, $pipe->{'FD'}, 1 or $pipe->{'PAUSED'} |
2905 | 2132 | 0 | 348 | $close_it or $@ |
3010 | 72 | 0 | 101 | not defined $timeout or $time_left < $timeout |
3026 | 0 | 0 | 921 | defined $file->{'FD'} and not defined $did or $did |
3064 | 3295 | 72 | 707 | !defined($timeout) || $timeout > 0.1 |
3075 | 4074 | 0 | 0 | defined $timeout or @{$self->{'PIPES'};} - $paused |
3451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | not defined $kid->{'PROCESS'} or defined $kid->{'RESULT'} |
3473 | 0 | 1258 | 5322 | not defined $kid->{'PID'} or defined $kid->{'RESULT'} |