Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 33 30.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
143 0 0 1 $s->isa('IOC::Service') and not $s->isa('IOC::Service::Literal')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
100 0 0 locate_container $path || (return $t->fail("Container '${path}' does not exist"))
116 1 0 locate_container $path || (return $t->fail("Container '${path}' does not exist"))
155 3 0 locate_container $path || (return)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
65 0 0 3 $desc || "The service '${path}' exists in the registry"
70 0 0 1 $desc || "The container '${path}' exists in the registry"
75 0 0 0 $desc ||= "The service at '${real}' is aliased to '${alias}'"
93 1 0 0 $desc ||= "The containers at '${path}' are @$spec"
111 0 1 0 $desc ||= "The services at '${path}' are @$spec"
125 0 1 0 $desc ||= "'${path}' is a literal service"
132 0 1 0 $desc ||= "'${path}' is a prototype service"
139 0 1 0 $desc ||= "'${path}' is a singleton service"