Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 16 101 15.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
359 0 4 3 defined $sockopt and 2 == unpack('i', $sockopt)
420 4 0 0 $fh and not exists $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}
440 0 0 0 $fh and exists $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}
459 0 0 0 $fh and exists $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}
482 0 0 0 $fh and exists $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}
512 0 0 4 $fh and exists $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}
579 2 0 14 not $$self{'_endloop'} and keys %{$$self{'_fhs'};}
587 21 0 0 ref($fh) =~ /SSL/ and $fh->can('pending')
21 0 0 ref($fh) =~ /SSL/ and $fh->can('pending') and $fh->pending
639 0 0 2 $obj and $obj->can('mux_connection')
652 0 0 8 defined $rv and length $data
657 0 0 8 $obj and $obj->can('mux_input')
678 0 0 0 $obj and $obj->can('mux_eof')
686 0 0 0 exists $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"} and length $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}{'outbuffer'}
699 0 0 0 $obj and $obj->can('mux_outbuffer_empty')
715 0 0 0 $obj and $obj->can('mux_epipe')
729 0 0 0 $obj and $obj->can('mux_outbuffer_empty')
732 0 0 0 $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"} and $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}{'shutdown'}
782 0 0 4 $obj and $obj->can('mux_timeout')
844 0 0 6 $fh and exists $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}
884 0 0 0 $fh and exists $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}
937 0 0 0 $obj and $obj->can('mux_close')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1001 0 6 $offset ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
604 0 0 0 $! == 4 or $! == 11
627 0 20 0 $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}{'object'} || $$self{'_object'}
663 0 0 0 $! == 4 or $! == 11
0 0 0 $! == 4 or $! == 11 or $! == 11
711 0 0 0 $! == 11 or $! == 4
0 0 0 $! == 11 or $! == 4 or $! == 11
781 0 4 0 $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}{'object'} || $$self{'_object'}
886 0 0 0 $which == 0 or $which == 2
894 0 0 0 $which == 1 or $which == 2
905 0 0 0 length $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}{'inbuffer'} or length $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}{'outbuffer'}
926 0 0 0 $$self{'_fhs'}{"$fh"}{'object'} || $$self{'_object'}