Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 62 98 63.2

line true false branch
37 6 2 if (($flags & 3) == 0) { }
1 1 elsif (($flags & 3) == 1) { }
1 0 elsif (($flags & 3) == 2) { }
40 0 1 if ($flags & 1024) { }
46 0 1 if ($flags & 1024) { }
59 1 7 if (ref($obj) =~ /Socket/)
63 0 1 if ($obj->sockdomain == 2 or $have_inet6 and $obj->sockdomain == &Socket6::AF_INET6)
65 0 0 if ($obj->socktype == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($obj->socktype == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($obj->socktype == 3) { }
82 46 0 @_ > 3 ? :
83 135 0 @_ > 3 ? :
19 70 &issock($I) ? :
85 54 35 unless (defined $I->expected)
87 19 35 if $I->can('received_fds')
88 40 14 unless defined $I->read_buffer
92 5 63 if (defined $len and $len == 0) { }
14 49 elsif (not defined $len and $! == 11) { }
0 49 elsif (not defined $len and $! == 4) { }
0 49 elsif (not $len) { }
107 1 34 $I->record_opts && $I->record_opts->{'local_encoding'} ? :
108 17 18 if ($I->can('expect_fds')) { }
121 78 35 if (defined $len and $len > 0) { }
0 35 elsif (defined $len) { }
35 0 elsif ($! == 11) { }
0 0 elsif ($! == 4) { }
137 3 14 if ($I->can('expect_fds') and $I->expect_fds > 0 and defined $I->_received_fds)
143 17 18 if $I->record_opts
146 0 35 if ($@)
162 25 3 @_ > 3 ? :
163 16 0 @_ > 3 ? :
21 16 &issock($I) ? :
166 33 4 if (@_)
167 0 33 if defined $I->write_buffer
169 0 33 $I->record_opts && $I->record_opts->{'local_encoding'} ? :
173 16 17 if ($I->record_opts)
178 0 33 $L eq 'L' ? :
182 0 33 if ($@)
188 17 16 if ($can_fds_to_send) { }
191 4 13 defined $I->fds_to_send ? :
203 3 14 if ($I->written == 0 and $can_fds_to_send and defined $I->fds_to_send and @{$I->fds_to_send;})
208 0 0 if ($! == 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($! == 11) { }
224 37 0 if (defined $written)
228 33 4 if ($I->written == length $I->write_buffer) { }
4 0 elsif ($! == 11) { }
243 0 0 if ($I->record_opts) { }
252 0 0 unless defined $r
262 0 0 if ($I->record_opts) { }