Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 65 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
117 0 0 0 $code and $code == 1000
141 0 0 0 $answ and ref $answ
266 0 0 0 $c0 and $c0 == 1000
277 0 0 0 $c1 and $c1 == 1000
303 0 0 0 $out_data and $self->{'sock'}
418 0 0 0 ref $params and $params->{'save_cook_to'}
447 0 0 0 $content and $content =~ /greeting/
672 0 0 0 $answ and $answ =~ //
779 0 0 0 defined $params->{'add'}{'ips'} and ref $params->{'add'}{'ips'}
790 0 0 0 defined $params->{'add'}{'emails'} and ref $params->{'add'}{'emails'}
806 0 0 0 defined $params->{'rem'}{'ips'} and ref $params->{'rem'}{'ips'}
817 0 0 0 defined $params->{'rem'}{'emails'} and ref $params->{'rem'}{'emails'}
909 0 0 0 $answ and $answ =~ //
974 0 0 0 $answ and $answ =~ //
1057 0 0 0 $self and $self->{'sock'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
112 0 0 $params->{'sock_params'}{'PeerHost'} ||= ''
113 0 0 $params->{'sock_params'}{'PeerPort'} ||= 8028
176 0 0 $sock_params->{'Timeout'} || 5
281 0 0 $m1 || ''
282 0 0 $c1 || 0
305 0 0 $info ||= ''
341 0 0 $response->header('set-cookie') || ''
691 0 0 $1 // ''
928 0 0 $1 // ''
993 0 0 $1 // ''